Performance testing in DevOps environments

About this webinar

53% of consumers expect web pages to load in 3 seconds or less and 45% of consumers will leave a slow website with a negative impression of the brand.

Despite its critical role for quality, routine performance testing has been out of reach for most software teams due to the complexity and effort required to implement and maintain it.

In this webinar, Federico Toledo of Abstracta will introduce tools and strategies to help you achieve continuous performance testing that is in line with DevOps processes and speed.

In this session, you will learn:
  • The challenges of traditional approaches to performance testing
  • How to build a modern, DevOps-ready performance testing strategy
  • Tools aligned to the needs of this type of strategy
  • Tips on how to integrate performance testing earlier in development
  • The role of observability in improving the quality of systems in production

About the instructor

  • Federico Toledo

    Chief Quality Officer at Abstracta