Success story
Animales sin Hogar
(write the text)

Web app for the “ASH” NPO, with the latest technology from GeneXus

“Animales sin Hogar” (ASH - Spanish acronym for Homeless Animals) is a Uruguayan non-profit organization founded in 2003.

Its staff consists of volunteers who promote the adoption and responsible ownership of pets, and also animal welfare in general.
One year after its foundation, ASH had set up a web app, developed in GeneXus, basically meant for enabling people to post notices about pets lost or animals found who were in need for adoption.
Joint work with DVelop is now under way -on both a mobile app and on the system’s migration to the latest version of GeneXus- oriented at the possibility to publish, make known and share information about stray animals. And with the purpose of expanding the solution, a Management System is also under development for managing the data relative to all the animals.
Technical features of the new ASH web system
ASH’s needs imply the possibility to keep record, manage, and define traceability of the animals as well as their treatments, adoptions and follow-up, while creating a space -aimed at the organization and third parties- intended for posts relative to different aspects related to the animals’ well-being.
In consideration of such requirements, three of the system’s most outstanding features include:
  • This new version, with a backend containing information on 6,000 animals -2,000 of which live on the premises of ASH-, that consists of data such as their entry date, vaccines, castration,  and the identity of those who left them there or those who adopted them.
  • Being a great technological tool for doing a follow-up on every animal, and not only dogs and cats but also horses, pigs and rabbits that are also part of the farm.
  • Including notifications regarding important dates (such as vaccination days, among others).
Functionalities of the ASH Management System
The new management system will include the following functionalities:
  • Registering each animal, including its ID and traceability.
  • Managing the animals’ locations and location changes.  
  • Associating treatments received by each animal, managing them per individual animals and in relation to veterinarians.  
  • Making publications regarding animals available for adoption.  
  • Managing adoption applications, visits, adoptions and follow-up.
  • Managing users, adopters and potential adopters.  
  • Managing one’s own publications and take part in the publications of others.  
From the portal, authenticated users will be able to:
  • Post publications, following authentication by means of GeneXus GAM with OAuth 2.0.
  • Share their own publications, or those of others, on the social networks.
  • View all other publications.
  • Indicate “I don’t like” on posts by third parties (with a thumbs-down, for reporting publications deemed not suitable for the site).
  • Enter requests for adoptions.
  • View their posts, their adoption applications and adoptions processed, if any.  
  • View posts by others in the portal’s various sections, including the “I want to meet my friend” section.