Success story

Blumenau City Council uses GeneXus to develop an application for monitoring COVID-19

The health status and geographic location of patients and people suspected of having Coronavirus are monitored by an application developed in just two days.

Pronto Mobile, an application of the Health Department of Blumenau’s City Council that seeks to improve people's access to health care, includes a functionality to monitor patients diagnosed with COVID-19 or suspected of having the disease. The tool is part of a thorough monitoring process of the Coronavirus, which was established by a decree of the Mayor of Blumenau, Mário Hildebrandt.

In addition, it was developed in just two days by i4 Intelligence for Innovation, a regional distributor of GeneXus Brazil that creates solutions based on Artificial Intelligence. “GeneXus’ low-code technology, which automates traditional programming languages, has allowed us to focus on the problem and not on the programming. In this way, we were able to deliver a tool to the population of Blumenau in a very short time,” highlights Eric Boeing, Consultant and Head of Development at i4.

Any person who tests positive or who remains under investigation for the disease is being monitored by the application like a pin on a city map, assisted by a support team of health care professionals. “The interactive map developed with GeneXus was instrumental in making it easier for the public to access health services, in addition to providing monitoring teams with real-time information for decision making,” affirms Julio César Silva, Director of Systems and Innovation of the Municipality of Blumenau.

Since it was released approximately one month ago, 8 thousand individuals, including both positives and negatives have already been monitored by the application, and now there are at least 700 cases still being monitored. The period of monitored social isolation is 14 days for positive cases and three days for suspicious cases.

People who are being monitored receive push notifications every two hours with questions related to their health status, such as “do you have a fever, pain or difficulty breathing?” As the patient responds, his/her location is collected and checked against the address indicated in the record, where the self-isolation period is to be spent.

Those who do not respond to questions within 15 minutes or who move further than 15 meters are contacted over the phone by the monitoring teams. If this last attempt is not successful, the police authorities are notified, as well as those of Health Oversight, Municipal Civil Defense, and the Attorney General's Office.

The pandemic is considered a critical mission that requires timely solutions in order to be effective in controlling the spread of the virus. For this reason, low-code tools are ideal for agile and timely development to meet today’s needs.