Success story
Clínica Foianini
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Clínica Foianini implements digital medical record with GeneXus technology

With this digital transformation, the institution has not only optimized its internal processes and reduced errors but has also positioned itself as a leader in implementing innovative solutions in Bolivia's healthcare sector, ensuring a future of excellent medical care.

Clínica Foianini is a leading healthcare center in Bolivia. It has over 40 years of experience and is the first private medical center in Bolivia certified by the Technical Institute for the Accreditation of Health Establishments (ITAES-Argentina), recognized by the International Society for Quality in Health Care (ISQua).

In 2020, with the goal of advancing into telemedicine, Clínica Foianini decided to modernize its medical information management system with the help of Datec, the official GeneXus distributor in Bolivia.


  1. Implement a robust system for digital patient care.

  2. Ensure documentation and backup of medical records.

  3. Improve time efficiency and patient care quality.

  4. Create a user-friendly medical history for all medical areas.

  5. Facilitate the transition of healthcare professionals to the use of new technologies.


The digital medical record system of Clínica Foianini, a Mission Critical System, allows staff real-time access to all patient medical data. This has achieved:
  1. Immediate access to patient medical records.

  2. Reduced waiting and response times in medical care.

  3. Elimination of paper records.

  4. Reduced care errors.

  5. Obtained key indicators for medical management and real-time decision-making.

Elvio Escobar, Systems Manager, highlights the solution's flexibility and sustainability: "GeneXus offers us a solution that serves us over time. Each new version brings improvements adaptable to the future. We can easily update modules, which facilitates and speeds up the integration of information and work times. Our development team has embraced this tool, and we consider ourselves fans. GeneXus is an innovative, complete, and robust product."

This digital transformation has positioned the clinic as a benchmark in adopting innovative technologies in the healthcare sector, ensuring a promising future for medical care in Bolivia.

"There is nothing more valuable for a doctor and their patients than having instant information. With the electronic medical record, we can measure risks, mortality, antimicrobial use, and more indicators. GeneXus transformed the world of clinics, allowing for medical audits and improving medical practice," says Rodrigo Sandoval, Internist.

Patricia Montenegro, Nursing Coordinator, highlights the benefits for patient safety: "The development of the digital medical record has allowed us to ensure that the patient receives the correct medication in the appropriate dose and time. This prevents errors and ensures correct treatment."