Success story
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Technological Integration at NGO Redalco with Dvelop

REDALCO is a non-profit organization that provides fruits and vegetables to those who need them most, while reducing food waste.

In 2021 alone, Redalco recovered and delivered 1,316,000 kilograms of fruits and vegetables that were distributed among 350 community-based organizations, benefiting more than 35,000 people on a weekly basis.
To make their daily work more efficient, they needed to develop a new web system to manage the register of beneficiaries, orders, and payments to collaborators.

Challenge: to incorporate payments, and organize orders and data from institutions

Using GeneXus 17 and WorkWithPlus for web, a system was generated consisting of a back office and front end that allows different types of users to place and track orders.
In order to manage the payments made by REDALCO's collaborating institutions, a payment gateway was integrated. As a result, payments can now be made online using the integrated Sistarbanc platform.
In addition, DVelop developed a back office for the organization's users and a front end for its beneficiaries.
The back office, which will be accessed by internal users of the organization with different roles, allows managing orders and creating and maintaining beneficiaries. In addition, it allows tracking and monitoring each of the orders associated with those beneficiaries.  
From the front end, depending on their assigned roles, beneficiaries can upload their data and enter orders and/or track them.