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| | | We are proud to announce the release of GeneXus X Evolution 2 Beta 4! |
| (12/09/2011-18:52) |
This new Beta is a major step towards GeneXus X Evolution 2 final release, and brings many features aimed at helping you build applications that provide a great user experience. |
Give Beta 4 of GeneXus X Evolution 2 a try and you will experience great improvements in SD applications, both in terms of functionality and look and feel. Main features:
-Support for new web technologies such as HTML5 as CSS3, plus improved Javascript generation and a new built-in Theme for building modern web sites. -Improved performance in web and SD applications. In addition, many new minor features have helped Artech and the GeneXus Community build great applications in the last few months, many of which you will be able to see at the XXI GeneXus Meeting
As usual, you can download Beta 4 and learn all about GeneXus X Evolution 2 at www.genexus.com/xev2beta |
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| | #GX21 The XXI GeneXus Meeting in social networks |
| (06/09/2011-21:09) |
We invite you to follow and share all the event’s updates on Facebook and Twitter. |
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| | #GX21 The program is online! |
| (06/09/2011-21:08) |
A few days before the XXI GeneXus Meeting, you can read the program for September 12-14 and create your own schedule. You may create it in Outlook or Google Calendar or download the event application available for Smart Devices http://m.genexus.com |
We are just a few days away from the XXI GeneXus Meeting that begins on Monday, September 12. So, there’s no better time to browse the long list of presentations and activities, select those that you can’t miss and mark your customized schedule with the items that will guide us over the course of three intense days! Create your own schedule for the XXIGX! http://www.genexus.com/meeting2011/schedule
We look forward to meeting you and sharing experiences, and we remind you that -if you haven't signed up yet- you still have time to register for the Meeting. Signing up in advance is recommended to speed up your access to the event. Smart Devices http://m.genexus.com |
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| | #GX21 More reasons to attend the XXI GeneXus Meeting. Check the online program! |
| (06/09/2011-20:40) |
There are many reasons to attend the XXI GeneXus Meeting and the contents covered are among the most important ones. In addition, presentations will be streamed live. |
There will be more than 250 activities over the course of 3 days. That’s why we suggest you browse the online program and get up to speed. It is available here and includes the following topics:
• Latest developments in GeneXus X Evolution 2: More technology, flexibility, productivity and value to the features provided by GeneXus. As a preview of the technology soon to be released by Artech, we will be dealing with the new GeneXus product that allows for interaction with Smart Devices, not only in presentations that will explain its fundamental concepts and development methods, but also by showcasing applications for mobile devices developed by Community members and students as part of the Smart Challenge.
• Successful experiences with EV1: With over a year of successful experiences with GeneXus X Evolution 1, now it's a good time to share some case studies: how can we leverage its full potential in new projects? What are the advantages of using the latest technologies? What are the best practices for migration? What tools are available to help me?
Keynotes: The XXI GeneXus Meeting will feature renowned speakers from private companies and government bodies, as well as analysts who will talk about Green Technology(Pablo Brenner), Invisible Software(José Elías) and provide analysis of what lies ahead for the IT industry(Alberto Leite). In addition to Breogán Gonda and Nicolás Jodal, we are pleased to announce the following keynote speakers: José Clastornikfrom Agesic; Gonzalo Frascafrom Powerful Robot Games; Claudio Nasajon will talk about Business Modeling; Rúben Castillo will share his successful experience in Ferrovalle’s path to Mexico’s IT Top Ten. We also highlight the participation of Mike Culverfrom Amazon Web Services and Carolina Cosse, president of ANTEL, Uruguay’s state-owned telecommunications company.
Other topics that will be addressed over the 3 days include:
• Click 2 Cloud: Find out how to prototype and deploy directly to the most popular cloud platforms so that applications are immediately accessible from any location and from any device.
• Smart Devices: New possibilities offered by GeneXus to quickly take advantage of the business opportunities created by the mobile revolution.
• GXserver and GXtest: Get up to date on the latest developments in these technologies, and listen to other users’ experiences to learn how they can help you improve development processes and product quality.
• GXplorer, GXflow and GXquery: Find out the latest advances of these technologies that empower development and enhance applications developed with GeneXus. • GXportal: We will share experiences and the latest developments in SaaS and "on premise" versions.
• e-Gov: Citizen involvement, electronic invoices and files, education and public administration - news, discussions and case studies. • Theme Tracks: Marketing and Communication, Business Development, Enterprise Development, Innovative Ideas. • Expo 2.0: An exhibit area in which solutions and cutting-edge technologies are showcased, including global brands and manufacturers. • Training: Labs, hands-on workshops, certification exams for analysts and instructors.
Read more here: http://www.genexus.com/meeting2011/schedule#GX21 |
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| | Still haven’t voted for your favorite Smart Device application? #GXChallenge |
| (08/08/2011-19:18) |
Visit the fan pages of applications being developed for the two versions of the Smart Challenge: University and Community. Some of them are already in beta, so vote for your favorite application and help the creators of the most popular one win prizes that include 1 iPad + 1 paid internship at Artech + 1 GeneXus kit. |
This contest is rolling already! Visit the list of participating projects, vote and discover a wide new world of smart device applications developed with GeneXus. The contest has reached its second stage and many of the participating applications have a prototype for mobile devices developed with GeneXus X Evolution 2. In Smart Challenge University Edition you will find the fan pages of the applications being developed. They are varied solutions for tourism, transportation, public administration, health and security systems, and also for the world of music, events and services. Likewise, the Smart Challenge Community Edition includes the participation of developers from across the Americas –towards the Community Choice Award with a Facebook profile- and from all over the world (Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, China, Honduras, Mexico, Paraguay, Uruguay and the United States) for a prize defined by Artech: the GeneXus Team Award, with solutions that go from citizen services to sports bets and more. We invite you to visit the list of fan pages that include the projects. In some cases, there are beta versions available for downloading to the mobile device for trial. Every day we will add news from every application on our Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/GeneXus.Artech On September 7 the applications with the most Facebook "likes" will be announced and some of them will be presented at the XXI GeneXus Meeting.
Thank you all for participating and supporting the contest with your votes! |
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| | Mark your calendar for the 21st GeneXus Meeting :: Video invitation from Mr. Breogán Gonda |
| (08/08/2011-12:16) |
There are endless reasons to attend the #GX21, in particular the opportunity to exchange experiences with others and strengthen the synergy existing in the GeneXus Community. In the following video, Artech’s President, Breogán Gonda tells you why. |
The core subjects discussed at the XXI GeneXus Meeting will deal with GeneXus X Evolution, Smart Devices, Click to Cloud, e-Gov, Training, Business and all topics necessary to understand where the IT industry is going.
The explosion of mobile devices will be the cross-cutting factor of this Meeting since, in the words of Breogán Gonda, “corporate applications continue to be valid to the extent that they include applications for Smart Devices as a fundamental and necessary supplement.” It’s easy. Do it -----> www.genexus.com/meeting
The XXI GeneXusMeeting will take place on September 12-14, 2011 at the Radisson Hotel in Montevideo, Uruguay. |
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| | #GX21 Reasons to attend (and to convince my boss) |
| (04/08/2011-14:20) |
Attending the GeneXus Meeting is a smart investment that provides several benefits. We know that sometimes taking the leap is not easy, and convincing your boss can be even more complex. That's why we give you many reasons to come. |
 •I can experience first-hand the possibilities offered by GeneXus X Evolution 2 to take full advantage of the business opportunities created by the explosion of mobile devices. •The industry is evolving at a fast pace, which is difficult to keep up with. That's why attending this type of annual conferences is an efficient way to stay up to date with some topics of interest. •It’s a unique opportunity to boost the use and knowledge of the GeneXus technology, and to learn best practices for managing development projects with this tool. •Attending this event allows me to interact with the most brilliant experts in the knowledge industry and cutting-edge technology gurus. •This conference offers more than 150 activities over the course of three days, enabling attendees to learn about disruptive ideas and find out techniques, methodologies and practices that aren’t applied in any training course. •It allows me to interact with other colleagues from all parts of the world. Usually the best ideas and most interesting conversations take place in the hallways of these conferences. •The Meeting is held in comfortable facilities, and provides tools such as Internet access so as to stay in touch with the office and keep doing some work from there. •There is no admission fee, so attendees only have to pay for their travel and accommodation expenses. A significant effort on the part of GeneXus is required to reduce the investment needed to participate. •I have the opportunity to visit Uruguay, a country with a great business potential and a growing IT industry. Besides, it’s an attractive tourist destination that will allow me to recharge my batteries to go back to work. |
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| | Confirmed keynotes for the #GX21 |
| (22/07/2011-16:49) |
Among those in attendance will be Gonzalo Frasca (Powerful Robot), Mike Culver (Amazon Web Services), José Elías (Eliax.com), Pablo Brenner (Globant), José Clastornik (AGESIC), Alberto Leite (Itmidia Brasil). |
 The GeneXusMeeting program of activities has been designed for a wide audience. In addition to technical sessions, it includes strategic, business and general presentations. For this reason, it brings together many speakers from varied backgrounds. Among the most distinguished speakers of the past few years were: > Direct customers from Uruguay and abroad > Software and hardware manufacturers > Leading figures from the worldwide IT and business sectors > International opinion leaders and consulting firms > Distinguished scholars > Influential figures from the political world and state-owned enterprises http://www.genexus.com/meeting
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| | 21st GeneXus Meeting :: It’s getting closer! |
| (20/07/2011-17:17) |
We’re less than 2 months away from #GX21. We invite you to visit the event’s new website and learn more about our motto “It’s easy. Do it.” |
 The XXI GeneXus Meeting will take place on September 12-14, 2011 at the Radisson Hotel in Montevideo, Uruguay. Last September we said: “a mobile device explosion is taking place and we’re getting ready to respond to it.” Since then, the migration to mobile devices is taking place at an increasingly faster rate. Every day, thousands of users require services that make their daily lives easier and at the same time companies urgently need ubiquitous solutions with multiple interfaces. Clearly, opportunities abound but responding to this reality is a very complex task. However, today we can say that it “was” complex. GeneXus, standing by its promise to keep the Community at the forefront of technology, makes it possible to develop multiplatform applications for smart devices easily and in short time frames. This year, in addition to gathering our Community and adding value through its more than 200 activities, the GeneXus Meeting promises to be an ideal opportunity to experience this technology in action and learn about use cases. Above all, participants will be able to discover a series of applications that have been successfully developed. Entering the smart device arena is no longer a promise. It’s a reality and something that we just have to do. It’s easy. Do it. |
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| | The #GX21 will bring together people from more than 20 different countries> make your reservations now |
| (30/05/2011-11:21) |
We suggest 15 different hotels for booking your stay :: Check out the locations and make your reservations for the popular XXI GeneXus Meeting. |
An online application is already available to make your hotel reservations and find out about the accommodations details and hotel locations and rates. If you are a participant from abroad, we recommend that you make reservations well in advance and organize your schedule accordingly.  |
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| | Until June 12 > Call for speakers #GX21 |
| (30/05/2011-11:21) |
Numerous participants from various countries (Japan, Spain and several countries in the Americas) have already signed up, with their presentations and topics:: Submit your own now and find out about the main proposals made by the GeneXus Community. |
The XXI GeneXus Meeting (#GX21) includes all members of the GeneXus Community worldwide! If you are interested in a specific topic or have a presentation you would like to make, sign up before June 12, 2011. Cases of web-based applications, Cloud Computing, Smart Devices, success stories using GeneXus, green technology, e-government, distance learning, testing, software development, entrepreneurship, community, opportunities, business and management and more topics have already been confirmed for the presentations. We invite you to share your own: http://genexus.gxpsites.com/meeting-2011
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| | Call for speakers! Registration for the XXI GeneXus Meeting is now open |
| (11/05/2011-07:55) |
Apply for yourself or a friend :: Share your ideas, proposals and projects for the GeneXus Meeting 2011. |
The XXI GeneXus Meeting will take place on September 12 – 14, 2011. As usual, it will be held jointly with the global GeneXus Community and is open to submissions from all over the world to run exhibits and make presentations on a wide variety of topics related to technology, university and business sectors. Apply Now!
#GX21 |
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| | The genesis of GeneXus written by its creators |
| (20/09/2010-18:41) |
On many occasions, the Community has asked for the story of GeneXus to be told: What are its origins? How and why Breogán Gonda and Nicolás Jodal created GeneXus? These and many other questions are answered in the publication titled “The Genesis of GeneXus,” written by its co-authors. This was part of the complimentary materials handed out at the XX GeneXus Meeting front desk. |
The best way to tell the story of GeneXus is to recreate events and questions that have been essential to its creation. We invite you to read The Genesis of GeneXus because you are a part of it. Download it from the Download Center. |
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| | GeneXus Marketplace :: The new GeneXus business center to showcase, share and sell products developed by the Community |
| (20/09/2010-18:40) |
In his opening speech the first day of the event (#XXGX), Nicolás Jodal introduced GeneXus Marketplace, where the Community will soon be able to showcase GeneXus complementary products for sharing or for sale. The new store was also presented in the talk given by Martín Oliveri and Diego Ocampo from Artech, in which they addressed the new business opportunities that will be generated by the online platform. |
GeneXus Marketplace will work as a business center and exhibition gallery to empower the development of applications with GeneXus. With this new store, GeneXus provides a platform to reach the entire Community, enabling its members to sell products or just showcase them to be downloaded for free. In this sense, the store will constitute a new way to collaborate and strengthen the Community even further, sharing developments that can be useful to others and even giving the possibility to generate income. Why not take advantage of the value existing in the Community, and download a control or purchase it? Because nowadays it is unthinkable to develop an application with GeneXus without using user controls or extensions, GeneXus Marketplace is a perfect fit for developers who, for example, in the middle of a project need some utilities that have been developed by others. What can be showcased and found in GeneXus Marketplace? All the products developed by the Community using GeneXus technology that can be useful to other members, such as: extensions, external tools, patterns, samples and user controls. These utilities will be organized by category, date of publication or rating (a voting feature will be available). In it, the most active developers will also be highlighted. Soon GeneXus Marketplace will become the GeneXus application store that meets all the Community's needs, concentrating all the power of the GeneXus Community in a single place. View the presentation by Martín Oliveri and Diego Ocampo at the XXGX: |
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| | Abstracta has released a new version of GXtest |
| (10/09/2010-18:18) |
GXtest 1.1 was released during the XXGX. GXtest 1.1 allows you to run tests in much less time, improves the adaptability of test cases to changes in the application and enables projects to be better organized, among other advantages. |
The new version of GXtest was released after a beta test process of several months in which more than 130 users from nearly 70 companies took part.
GXtest 1.1 brings the following benefits:
• Improved adaptability to changes in the KB
Test cases are more resilient to changes in objects and, before an update, the user can view information about the impact that those changes will have on the project’s test cases. In addition, analyzing and tuning test cases affected by an update is a much simpler and quicker task.
• Finding problems that may depend on the browser:
As from this version, tests can be run on both Internet Explorer and Firefox.
• Obtaining test results in much less time:
A significant increase in test execution speed has been achieved.
• Improved display of results:
Significant improvements have been achieved when displaying results, especially through the addition of graphics, which allow users to have much clearer views of results which are the aggregation of many tests.
• Improved organization of projects:
Test cases and data sets can be grouped in several hierarchical folders, which simplify the classification and location of each one of them. In addition, this version enables you to work with local copies of a project, from which you can easily export the desired changes to a centralized project.
• Improved integration with GeneXus X (and later):
When creating a project associated with a KB of version X or higher, GXtest can directly access the KB to obtain its data, without the need to make an export from GeneXus.
Version 1.1 of GXtest can be downloaded from www.genexus.com/gxtest/trial . |
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| | The program is online. Make your own schedule! |
| (10/09/2010-15:18) |
New options to search the program and make your schedule :: The XX GeneXus Meeting website allows you to add sessions to your Outlook or Google Calendar, and can also be easily accessed from mobile devices. |
The days left before this special event can be counted with the fingers in one hand, because the XX GeneXus Meeting starts on Monday, September 13th! So, this is an excellent time to read about the large number of conferences and activities, select the ones you don't want to miss, and add to our personal schedule the items that will guide you during these three days packed with activities. In order not to waste time and to make the most of each activity and have a well-organized road map so as not to miss out on anything, this year we have significantly enhanced the features provided by your personal schedule for the XX GeneXus Meeting (XXGX). The complete list of speakers can be found at the XXGX’s website. Clicking on the speakers’ names takes you to their profile and the presentation(s) in which they will be participating. Likewise, clicking on the title of a presentation will give you more information about it, as well as the possibility to add it to your personal schedule. In this sense, users have many options available: the XXGX website can be integrated with Microsoft Outlook, which means that you can easily add any presentation to your personal schedule. For this edition of the GeneXus Meeting, we have also worked on the possibility of adding activities to Google Calendar. In addition, the Meeting’s website has a native schedule which is associated with your GXtechnical username. It is very useful in those cases when the above services are not used and because it allows you to print your personal schedule and have it handy at all times. The XX GeneXus Meeting program can also be searched online using this link; from there you can download it in PDF format and save it to your PC, a pen drive or Smart Device. A light web version has also been created for easy access from mobile devices. It is worth pointing out that from several locations within the Radisson Montevideo, the event’s venue, there will be monitors displaying the program and activities taking place. And don’t forget that you can also obtain this information at the Reception Desk of the XXGX. Finally, please note that this year we will not be handing out a printed version of the program, so we recommend that you make your schedule ahead of time using some of the resources that we have made available. Make your own schedule for the XXGX! http://www.genexus.com/meeting/program |
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| | XXGX :: Making ideas happen, together :: At last! 10-week countdown to the XX Meeting |
| (08/09/2010-12:30) |
Visit the new website of the XX GeneXus Meeting at www.GeneXus.com/meeting, which is inspired on the idea of celebrating these 20 years of getting together with the Community and collaborating to bring good ideas to life :: You are an essential part of this celebration :: Let’s Celebrate! |
 At www.Genexus.com/meeting you will find the new website that will be the meeting point during the next weeks as we all get ready for the greatest celebration, which has a very special meaning for Artech and the entire Community. Read here about the importance of getting together to celebrate 20 years of GeneXus Meetings. Timeline: History of the 20 GeneXus Meetings
What’s new about this Meeting's website, compared to last year's, is the interactive timeline of the past twenty GeneXus Meetings from 1990 to 2010. The story of these 20 Meetings will be told in installments, broken down into periods of several years whose buttons will be enabled as new chapters of the story of GeneXus* are published. In this way, our timeline will grow every two weeks as we get closer to the XX GeneXus Meeting. For each year, we have selected the most significant events, milestones in this journey that gives us a reason to celebrate two decades of achievements. Photos and videos will also be published. You can’t miss them! Free registration :: Session proposals :: Sign up now in 2 short steps and your name tag will be waiting for you on September 13 at the reception desk of the Radisson Hotel (Montevideo, Uruguay). You may also register or invite another person. If you are a speaker with a technical or business background, or even related to other areas that can be useful for the IT field, we encourage you to submit your session proposal. Likewise, as an attendee, you can also propose a topic that you would like to see covered during the Meeting. Interaction in social networks :: The XX GeneXus Meeting website has been especially developed for immediate interaction and two-way communication, using effective tools such as the possibility to send your comments, a space to tweet (hash tag for the #XXGX), or shortcut windows to both Artech GeneXus' account on Facebook. Just like last year, breaking news related to the Meeting will be posted as a way to keep the Community up to the minute with short news flashes that everyone can comment on. They can be consumed via RSS. |
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| | All you ever wanted to know about Breogán Gonda and were afraid to ask |
| (30/08/2010-20:31) |
"I've a question for you" - Through an interview with Gisela Bertelli, a special moment has been set aside at the XX GeneXus Meeting so that GeneXus Community members may ask Artech co-founder everything they’ve always wanted to know. If you have a question you’d like to ask, this is your chance! |
One of the activities likely to capture great interest will be the interview with Breogán Gonda, where — in a relaxed interaction — Artech president will spontaneously answer the questions posed by Community members, who may also send their questions beforehand.
Have you had million-worth offers from large companies wanting to acquire GeneXus? How does it feel to have bet on a revolutionary idea and, with time, come to see that it has actually brought together a global Community of over 60,000 developers? Are cultural differences reflected in the way software is developed in the East and in the West? It may also be a question about some private matter within the company. For example: every March 3 Breogán Gonda traditionally celebrates and invites all Artech team members to ice-cream. What does he celebrate on that date? These questions are but an example of the different questions you may send us through the specific form.
Gisella Bertelli (gbertelli@artech.com.uy)— Artech Business Development Manager— will be interviewing Breogán Gonda and will receive all the questions eager Community members would like to ask.
Don’t miss this chance! |
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| | Breogán Gonda reflects upon the XX GeneXus Meeting and the importance of the Community on this journey |
| (30/08/2010-20:22) |
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| | What will Nicolás Jodal talk about at the XXGX? |
| (30/08/2010-20:14) |
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| | GeneXus Instructor Course :: September 13 at the XX GeneXus Meeting |
| (30/08/2010-19:54) |
If you are planning to obtain a GeneXus Instructor Certification soon, we recommend you take the GeneXus Instructor Course to be held at the XX GeneXus Meeting. |
The GeneXus Instructor Course will be held free of charge on September 13 at the XX GeneXus Meeting, and it is aimed at those Community members wishing to be certified as GeneXus Instructors. The aim of this course is to guide the future GeneXus Instructor, offering practical advice and suggestions based on our own experience that will help him/her successfully communicate GeneXus knowledge. It also offers a clear idea of what Artech considers an excellent GeneXus Instructor. Although the course is open to anyone interested in becoming a GeneXus Instructor, there’s room for a limited number of people only. This is why priority will be given to those confirmed for taking the Certification on Thursday September 13 this year, candidates to become GeneXus Instructors through academic agreements with Artech and those who already are GeneXus Senior Analysts and have an interest in teaching. If you wish to attend, please book your place by writing to training@genexus.com GeneXus Training Certifications |
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| | Ángel Bertolotti from IBM, Juan Martín de la Serna from Mercado Libre and Steve Marx from Microsoft invite you to attend the XX GeneXus Meeting |
| (30/08/2010-19:39) |
When the XXGX is only two weeks away, they tell us why GeneXus Meetings are so important in the region. |
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| | From version 1.0: José Clastronik |
| (30/08/2010-19:34) |
Current Executive Director of the Uruguayan E-Government Agency, Clastronik was part of the GeneXus Community from its inception. |
How did you become familiar with GeneXus?
I came across GeneXus before it was out in the market. I was working at IBM on the launch of a new generation of systems — AS/400 — while at Artech they had already developed the basis for their technology and had to decide on a production environment to make it operational. So I came in from both the business side of it, analyzing the compatibility of both technologies, and the operational side of it, sharing machines and manuals with Gustavo, in order to enable the generation of specific code for the new platform. Since then and for several years, my job description included the operational coordination with Artech. What are your memories of the I GeneXus Meeting?The need for the first meeting arose from performance issues with the SQL/400 version and the decision to generate programs that ran on the AS/400 native database platform. I have two visions regarding the Meeting: one is very operational-like and the other comes from the perspective of time. Operationally, the Meeting provided the context to solve a specific issue, which was difficult and had to be solved quickly. Meeting was critical to this purpose. In a wider context, I think the decision to have an event where the problem and its solution could be discussed with everyone concerned — distributors and first customers — was the big leap towards the creation of what’s probably the most significant pillar GeneXus has today: its Community. Over the years, what has it meant to you to be part of the GeneXus Community?On the one hand, I’d stress the room for action that’s generated within certain corporate fields in order to support the development of the domestic industry — Fernando Brum has some very good theories about this. On the other hand, my most personal memories have to do with the human interactions behind each initiative. That is, from the dialog with labs that have no idea where Uruguay is on the map, in the struggle to have GeneXus analyzed and certified, to the execution of unlikely projects — born from a conversation over a cup of coffee — that contributed to the experience and products introduced during the first events. |
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| | From version 1.0: Gastón Verdier |
| (30/08/2010-19:34) |
Founder of IGV — a company working on technology integration —, Verdier was among the 100 people who participated in the I GeneXus Meeting. |
Tell us about your relationship with GeneXus since its first version.
In January 1990, I started working for DeLarrobla&Asociados in a project at Banco Santander. Back then, the company traded in software development and the marketing of AS/400 and GeneXus. I took part in numerous presentations to GeneXus customers — the famous invoice demonstration. Both the GeneXus technology and the high level of the presenters (Breogán Gonda and Nicolás Jodal) had a profound impact on people. What are your memories of the I GeneXus Meeting?
At the time, DeLarrobla&Asociados and IBM were trying to convince ANCAP to buy GeneXus and use it to migrate their BULL applications to AS/400 and my job was to support ANCAP’s technicians in the process. I thought the Meeting was fantastic; the whole event lasted about 4 hours and the different talks were held in the same room. Back then, it seemed incredible for a Uruguayan software company to have so many followers — over 100 people! I still remember the final talk by Breogán with his memorable allegory about the pelican's flight. You’ve attended the Meetings regularly. Why’s that? What has kept you coming during 20 years?
I’ve attended all the Meetings. You have to be there; it’s the most relevant technology event in the country. Besides meeting friends and colleagues, it's an ideal environment for business. What are your expectations regarding the XX GeneXus Meeting?
Apart from the expectations that are renewed every year, this Meeting will be a special one for everyone — we will all be celebrating 20 Meetings. |
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| | XIII - XVI GeneXus Meetings :: The Meetings through time :: Years 2003, 2004 and 2005 |
| (30/08/2010-15:14) |
At a time when social networking is gaining momentum on the Internet, the GeneXus Community is becoming increasingly stronger, bringing together over 50,000 members worldwide. |
2003 | XIII International GeneXus User Meeting | 
Well over 2,500 people attend the XIII GeneXus Meeting, while more than 2,000 participate over the Internet. It is held from March 31 to April 2, at the Radisson Hotel — already a classic for GeneXus.
This is also the year when Artech enters the Chinese market and opens their office at Sao Paulo, Brazil, leading to the I GeneXus Brazil Meeting.
According to the prestige ranking by the economy and markets supplement of newspaper El País, Artech is among the 20 most prestigious Uruguayan companies.
The new corporate portal is launched at www.genexus.com Here, users may access and participate in different ways: registering at GXtechnical in order to access more information, subscribing to GeneXus News, downloading GeneXus Trial Version, etc.
The future: more certainties than trends
With regards to technology, in his conference “The future: a personal view" Breogán Gonda stressed that the facts were signaling a point of no return in connection with servers, database management systems, platforms and XML.
Meanwhile, a strong trend is observed in the integration of WorkFlow into system development. “Dealing with workflows outside programs, separating the decisions made during development from those taken during execution. This is a tremendously strong trend. The quality of the systems built this way is truly higher, and their life cycle is much longer,” said Artech president.
From the first database servers used 40 years ago, the trend towards the use of servers has evolved and consolidated. “When I know nothing, I do everything. As I begin to acquire actual knowledge, I can start separating the problems I have already solved — so I don’t need to solve them all over again every time— and searching for some kind of automation that solves problems for me. That’s where servers come in,” Gonda explained. Today, you can find all kinds of servers: application servers, Web servers, Web Services servers, e-mail servers, image servers, signature authentication servers, license validation and certification servers…
Artech president spoke about metadata servers in particular, which allow for intelligent behavior and decision-making at runtime — not just during development — by separating data from the description thereof (metadata).
He also claimed there’s no doubt the platform market will be shared by two platforms — Java and Microsoft .NET. But there are two pending questions: how fast will each one penetrate the market? Which one should we choose? Breogán Gonda suggests picking a development based on knowledge that’s independent from technology and market swings.
What was going on then in the technology field?
. GXportal and GXquery were already out in the market. Artech will release GeneXus 8.0 (SDT, ADO, J2EE. DBMS: PostgreSQL, PocketPC generator).
Oracle Grid: At OracleWorld 2003, in San Francisco, Oracle introduced Oracle Database 10g, its new database based on Grid technology and designed in order to help companies optimize the performance of their hardware and software tools. The functionalities of Oracle Database 10g include automatic management, which eliminates some repetitive tasks that hinder daily management tasks such as performance diagnosis, application fine tuning and memory management. Oracle Database 10g incorporates a new control system developed for Web environments, called Database Control. This system creates a graphic diagnosis window within the database while it is working. This allows managers to actively control the database while alerts and suggestions aimed at maximizing software performance are received.
Apple’s iTunes manages to make music downloading legal by paying USD 0.99.
Second Life: Linden Lab develops a virtual world that has generated thousands of avatars; even organizations, companies and embassies have created a "second life." |
2004 | XIV International GeneXus User Meeting | Once again, Radisson Victoria Plaza Hotel in Montevideo is crowded with 3,000 people from 21 countries who attend the XIV International GeneXus User Meeting for three days (June 14-16). Again, 1,500 people participated in the event over the Internet, since the conferences were webcast live.
The event offered over 120 sessions, including conferences and labs, with speakers from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Spain, the United States, Japan, Mexico and Uruguay.
Nicolás Jodal explained why the new tools introduced by Artech aim at improving companies’ productivity and flexibility.
The X GeneXus Knowledge Bases Exhibition took place during the event, presenting the latest solutions by software houses that develop products and solutions with GeneXus.
2004 was also the year Artech entered Oracle’s partner network and the research, simulation and testing lab for the .NET platform — a joint effort together with Microsoft and Zonamérica — was launched.
The Community had grown by 40% to over 16,000 users, with an increase in the number of GXnews readers and subscribers to GeneXus technical forums. This was also the year GeneXus Community’s Wiki (www.gxtechnical.com/wiki) was launched.
GeneXus consolidates its position in the East
GeneXus Japan Inc. opens after a partnership between Artech and major Japanese entrepreneurs is established for the distribution of GeneXus in the Japanese market. The company is chaired by Engineer Fumio Owaki.
In addition, the company continues to develop in the Brazilian and Mexican markets through subsidiaries Artech Mexico and Artech Brazil, and it continues to increase its distributor network, which by 2004 includes 28 countries.
| | What was going on then in the technology field?
Firefox: Mozilla Firefox is an Internet browser developed by Mozilla Corporation and a large number of external volunteers. [3] Firefox — officially abbreviated Fx or fx [4] and most usually FF — derived from Mozilla Application Suite, which it finally replaced as the flagship of the Mozilla Project supported by Mozilla Foundation. It is based on Gecko — the layout engine that processes web page content, mostly developed with C++. It incorporates pop-up windows blocking, tab browsing, dynamic markers, open standard compatibility and a mechanism for adding functions through extensions. Some Net surfers quickly adopted Firefox despite Internet Explorer’s dominance over the browser market. According to several sources (cited in the statistics reference), in December 2007 Firefox accounted for about 20% of the global market. In December 2007 it held 28% of the European market, and up to 45.4% of the Finnish market. By October 2008, Firefox reached a usage share of 19.73% in the global browser market.
The term “Web 2.0” is created, which signals a change in the way the Net is used: multi-directional, collaborative and based on information exchange.
Facebook: Mark Zurckerberg creates the social network called Facebook. It was originally used by universities, but by 2008 it already had nearly 100 million active users.
Flickr: This site becomes popular for storing and sharing photos and videos.
Gmail: Google’s e-mail service offers 1 GB of e-mail storage space.
Digg: This science and technology news site is launched — a symbol of web 2.0.
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2005 | XV International GeneXus User Meeting | The XV International GeneXus User Meeting took place on September 12-14, with 3,300 participants. GeneXus 9.0 was launched and partner agreements were announced on the occasion.
“The mission of Artech is to deliver a tool that allows for the creation of applications that could not be built manually,” stated Nicolás Jodal during the XV International GeneXus User Meeting. He also encouraged the GeneXus Community to lead the construction of the new generation of business applications.
In line with its mission, in the event Artech introduced GeneXus 9.0, which — as explained by Artech president Breogán Gonda — implied a 100% increase in GeneXus productivity as compared to its previous version.
In addition, this XV meeting also saw important announcements being made regarding agreements between Artech and its strategic partners. The joint creation of a Lab together with IBM Uruguay and INCO in order to test large GeneXus applications on iSeries was announced. The outcomes of one year's joint work with Microsoft at the Lab Authorized .Net Solution Center in Zonamérica were presented. Fifteen companies took part in this effort, developing 100,000 GeneXus objects and generating 200 million C# code lines. And together with Oracle, Hewlett-Packard and Tilsor, Grid LAB was launched — a lab devoted to demonstratinggrid computing technologies.
The conferences held during the three days of the International GeneXus User Meeting were attended by 3,300 people from 30 different countries. |

What was going on then in the technology field? AJAX: Thisacronym stands for “Asynchronous JavaScript And XML.” It’s a web development technique for building interactive applications or RIA (Rich Internet Applications). These applications are run on the client — that is, in the user's browser — while asynchronous communication with the server is maintained in the background. This way, changes can be made on pages without needing to reload them, which means a boost to the application’s interactivity, speed and usability. Ajax is an asynchronous technology in that additional data are requested from the server and loaded in the background without interfering with the page's display or behavior. While JavaScript is the scripting language in which Ajax call functions are usually made, access to data is done through XMLHttpRequest, an object available in current browsers. In any case, the asynchronous content does not need to have XML format. Ajax is based on open standards such as JavaScript and Document Object Model (DOM); therefore, it’s valid for multiple platforms and may be used in many operating systems and browsers.
Youtube is founded by Chad Hurley, Steve Chen and Jawed Karim. It is the first time digital videos can be easily shared.
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| | Get the latest scoop less than 30 days away from the XX Meeting |
| (16/08/2010-19:38) |
Content and format of presentations :: Panels moderated by Community members :: Elevator Speech :: Enlightening Ideas and more. |
Just a few days are left before we meet again at the largest event that gathers the global GeneXus Community in Montevideo every year! If you are travelling from abroad, you still have time to book your accommodation and enjoy special discounts on flights through Jetmar, our official travel agency. Also, we’d like to remind you that if you attend the XX Meeting in person, you will not only have the possibility to choose between more than 150 presentations, but you will also have access to labs, courses and certifications. But now let’s talk about what's new in the most important feature of the XX GeneXus Meeting: presentations… From 45’ to 30’Presentations have been shortened. Now, with the purpose of making presentations more useful they have been arranged to last 30 minutes, unlike previous years in which they lasted 45 minutes. Panels
Theme panels will be created. They will be moderated by members of the Community to address technology topics which are current trends and can be of interest to others (for example, the Cloud Computing Panel). Elevator SpeechShort, condensed 5-minute sections where you can talk about anything that you consider relevant: present projects, propose ideas, and analyze trends, services or products. Do you have a presentation that can be made in 5 minutes and can be useful for the GeneXus Community? Contact Armin Bachmann from Artech: armin@artech.com.uy Enlightening Ideas
These are also short, condensed 5-minute presentations, but they are focused on GeneXus. These spaces have been created for members of the GeneXus Community to present their ideas about possible solutions to problems found when developing with GeneXus. To submit your presentation, contact armin@artech.com.uy Among other innovations, please note that this year, instead of the traditional presentations called "Over coffee with...", there will be instances for interaction with members of Artech's development and support team, acting as specialists in various technical fields. *In upcoming editions of GXnews we will inform you about must-attend keynotes by renowned speakers who will be present at the XX GeneXus Meeting. |
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| | IX to XII GeneXus Meetings:: The Meetings through time :: Years 1998, 1999, 2000 and 2001 |
| (13/08/2010-15:56) |
By the end of the 20th century, the Internet is already consolidated and Internet-oriented business applications are steadily growing :: Most developments are done on PCs :: GeneXus introduces its Java and .NET Generator :: The training area starts becoming stronger :: The software industry takes off |
1998 | IX International Meeting of GeneXus Users | Over 1,200 participants — including 300 participants from abroad — took part in the IX International Meeting of GeneXus Users held at the Victoria Plaza Hotel Convention Center on September 15-16.
Artech had 2,400 customers worldwide by then.
GeneXus 6.0 is released and its advantages in three areas are highlighted:
- Knowledge reuse - Data Warehousing - Workflow
GeneXus JAVA generator is introduced. Within a context where JAVA is divided between Microsoft and Sun Microsystems, Artech researches and develops a stable product that generates JAVA for any version in use.
This time, the already traditional awards presented at the Meetings give recognition to those academics that have influenced computer technology and mathematics in the country and teachers from the first computer technology university courses — which the University of the Republic started offering in 1967.
In addition, recognition is given to De Larrobla and Solur for their success in the international marketing of GeneXus knowledge bases.
“This is not about miracles. It’s about faith and hard work. It’s not about genius. It’s about every day research work,” Breogán Gonda says at the closing of the Meeting when explaining the steady growth of GeneXus and its user community.
GeneXus in the short and medium term
Just as every year at the closing of the Meeting, Nicolás Jodal addresses GeneXus’ tendency and its relationship with the growing complexity of the different scenarios: client, server, Internet and Data Warehousing.
What was going on then in the technology field?
GOOGLE, the largest search engine on the Internet, is founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin. Its name is derived from Googol — the mathematical name give to a 1 followed by 100 zeros — in reference to the vast amount of data that can be found on the Net.
XML: Acronym that stands for Extensible Markup Language, an extensible metalanguage developed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). It is simplified and adapted from SGML and it allows defining the grammar of specific languages. Therefore, XML is not really a language in particular, but a way of defining languages for different needs. Some of these languages that use XML for definition are XHTML, SVG and MathML.
Knowledge Society: Towards the end of the 90s the concept of Knowledge Society becomes stronger as the definition of a society emerging from the implementation of information and communication technologies (ICT) in everyday social, cultural and economic relationships within a community which, more generally, means the elimination of space and time barriers in those relationships, thus allowing for ubiquitous and asynchronous communications. | | |
1999 | X International Meeting of GeneXus Users | 
The X International Meeting of GeneXus Users is held at the Victoria Plaza Hotel on September 13-15 with over 1,500 participants.
The invitation sent to users and software companies provides an overview of the technological field towards the end of the 20th century:
“Many things have changed over the last 10 years — while applications used to be mainly centralized, developed in COBOL or RPG and with text screens, today they use multiple languages, architectures and servers and very sophisticated dialogs.
Systems are now much more complex and their development is much more complicated as more elements and actors are involved. Being able to describe them and discuss them at the knowledge level means a great advantage to us. The chance to acquire helpful knowledge in the market is crucial.
The knowledge business — initially received with skepticism — is today a reality and an achievement that benefits everyone in the GeneXus User Community. Systems are becoming increasingly complex but GeneXus hides this complexity and allows for them to be developed in a simple way.” Breogán Gonda highlights the incorporation of a new paradigm aimed at the end user — within this context he introduces GXplorer and GXquery.
As you can see in the video, at the closing of the X Meeting Enrique Baliño looks back over the 10 GeneXus Meetings: “(…) And today is our tenth Meeting, held again at the Victoria Plaza Hotel. Nicolás told me we’ve run out of chairs; he doesn't know where to accommodate so many people,that's why we're broadcasting over the Internet. This shows how successful Artech has been over the past few years!!!” Artech releases GeneXus 6.1 (Java and Cobol Generator).
GeneXus Training
Training becomes a priority as GeneXus has become one of the most frequently used intelligent tools for software development in the region. Universities begin to open their doors to us and the first academic agreements are signed in 1999, enabling students from Engineering and Computer Science university courses to study GeneXus as an optional subject.
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What was going on then in the technology field?
Napster: This new program for music file exchange is created by Shawn Fanning. Controversy with record labels arises with regards to copyrights.
Messenger: ICQ, the first chat system, is ousted by the instant messaging program designed by Microsoft.
Blogger: The system is launched by Pyra Labs and later acquired by Google in 2003.
Messenger: el primer sistema de chat ICQ es desplazado por el programa de mensajería instantánea diseñado por Microsoft.
Blogger: es lanzado por la empresa Pyra Labs y luego adquirido por Google (en el 2003).
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2000 | XI International Meeting of GeneXus Users | 
More than 1,700 participants attend the XI International GeneXus Meeting held on September 11-13 at the Radisson Victoria Plaza.
More than sixty presentations are given. In addition, the VII Knowledge Base exhibition hosts twenty-five companies that showcase their solutions.
The president of Uruguay, Jorge Batlle (2000- 2005) is in attendance at the closing ceremony.
The catalog of GeneXus KBs includes more than 100 solutions, 30 of which are for the GIVS (GeneXus Internet Virtual Space) environment. In addition, KBs for use in electronic commerce settings are presented.
It’s the first time that labs are held, with the objective of developing applications using the new technologies offered by Artech.
Some of the high-profile keynotes included presentations given by the then president of ANTEL (National Administration of Telecommunications), Engineer Fernando Bracco, and by representatives of Oracle, Microsoft and Informix.
Paullieronline, a website developed with GeneXus to operate in Latin American stock markets, is launched.
“The year of the Internet” Breogán Gonda said
“This is the year of the Internet. A few years ago, the market gave some small first steps, adopting the Internet with curiosity, but with caution, and many users published small websites based on static pages that were developed manually. Later on, new websites were developed. They combined these static pages with dynamic pages and accessed the database.
Many people considered Web applications as something completely different and isolated. However, almost all companies need systems that have Web components which are integrated into their general systems.
We at Artech have looked closely at the market and have continuously developed new technology. At present, we are performing the last tests of the new GeneXus version that contains, among other important elements, Web Objects that represent the combination of the best of both worlds: the graphics world with a powerful editor where we can introduce sophisticated graphic elements developed using the leading products in the field and the intelligence to access the GeneXus database.
But, at the same time we are adding a new option to the classic static or dynamic pages: static pages which are automatically generated at the right time. In many cases we will display static pages, which are the most efficient option, but these pages will be automatically generated and refreshed, using GeneXus when changes to data require it.
At the same time, XML, a language of self-described messages, becomes a widespread standard. XML is becoming the key tool for B2B applications, so we will see the specific possibilities offered by GeneXus in this regard.”
“The beginning of the end” Nicolás Jodal said
“At the beginning of the Internet, the existing model implied that a good idea was enough for a company to go public. Once this stage is over, we would witness a period of massive exclusion in which, even if many companies go bankrupt, very few types of business enterprises disappear.
Eric Raymond, the author of The Cathedral & The Bazaar talks about an economy of abundance, instead of the economy of scarcity in which we have been educated. Even though in both economies people seek status, Raymond says, in the economy of abundance status isn't achieved by those who have the most resources, but by those who are more generous. Generous with what is scarce; that is to say, time and knowledge. In this sense, an unexpected revolution has taken place with Napster, a small program designed by a 19-year old kid who discovered a new way of doing things and in little over a year he was able to build the largest music database in the world, making the music recording industry stagger.
Clearly, we live in a time in which processes take place, and these processes are based on interconnections between people. What’s important is to take advantage of the opportunity that this generates, and be capable of reformulating the business. How do we find the opportunity? It’s simple, and depends on our own capacity to learn.
What was going on in the technology field? In the year 2000, these programs are released: GeneXus 7.0 Multi-layer programming, GeneXus Web Start and GXplorer 2.0.
Twenty million websites are published on the Internet.
MP3: will the beginning of this technology be the end of CD? That’s what recording companies wondered at the turn of the millennium.
New LCD screens were introduced.
A service to make payments over the Internet (Paypal) becomes popular.
.NET: It’s a Microsoft project aimed at creating a new software development platform focused on network transparency, hardware platform independence and fast development of applications. The first release will be .NET Framework in 2002. |
2001 | XII International Meeting of GeneXus Users |
The XII International GeneXus Meeting was held on September 17-19 at the Radisson Victoria Plaza Hotel, and gathered almost 2,000 attendees in person. Artech, which had recently launched its version of GeneXus for the Microsoft .NET platform, presents 18 applications developed for this platform. In this scenario, the GeneXus Community was at the forefront of everything related to business applications developed in .NET, and for this reason at the XII GeneXus Meeting several companies were recognized as Early Adopters by Artech and Microsoft.
“Microsoft is pleased to work with Artech to provide its customers with an integral business solution,” said Alain Gentilhomme, Director of .NET Framework and Visual Studio at Microsoft Corporation. “GeneXus and the .NET platform combined create a new and exciting solution that hides the intricate details of database design from business users, in order to maximize the productivity of our non-technical users.”
In addition, Microsoft released its product Visual Studio .NET at the XII GeneXus Meeting.

What was going on in the technology field? The dot-com bubble burst: Dot-com bubble is the name given to a strong speculative trend that developed between the years 1997 and 2001. As part of this process, the stock markets of western nations experienced a sharp increase of their value due to the growth of companies connected with the new Internet sector and the so-called "New Economy." The period was characterized by the creation (and, in many cases, spectacular collapse) of a new group of Internet-based companies known collectively as dot-coms. The combination of a sharp increase in stock prices, individual speculation and wide availability of risk capital gave rise to an exuberant environment. The burst of the dot-com bubble marked the beginning of a relatively mild, albeit long, recession in western nations. Wikipedia is born (wiki = fast, paideia = education in Greek) thanks to the efforts of Jimbo Wales and Larry Sanger. It’s an encyclopedia characterized by open collaboration, free access and multiple languages.
The first export of Uruguayan software is made by Artech.
GeneXus licenses are sold to Want Want, the main company in China dedicated to the distribution of rice.
The Software industry takes off!!!
| La primera exportación a China de software Uruguayo la realiza Artech
La venta de GeneXus fue realizada a la empresa Want Want, la principal compañía china de distribución de arroz. ¡¡¡ La industria del SOFTWARE despega!!! | |
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| | #XXGX :: Advanced hotel reservation :: All room blocks will be released on August 13 |
| (02/08/2010-18:44) |
We are providing hotel room blocks until August 13 inclusive. Browse locations and book your room. |
An online application is already available to make hotel reservations and view the characteristics of the accommodation available, as well as their location.
Hotels have blocked rooms until August 13th inclusive. After that date, reservations will be subject to availability. If you are traveling from abroad, we remind you that it’s important to book your stay in advance and make your schedule for the XX GeneXus International Meeting*.
*In the event that you cannot attend the Meeting, you may cancel your reservation. |
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| | From 1.0 :: Fernando Álvarez, Head of the Technology Department at República AFAP, tells us about the times before GeneXus and what its arrival implied |
| (02/08/2010-18:21) |
“I had the feeling that we were at the forefront of something great still to arrive” |
 In 1989, while working for the firm De Larrobla & Asociados, I was invited to a demo on the 4th floor of a building at the corner of 18 de Julio and Minas (Montevideo); it was Artech’s first office. I still recall Breogán doing the classical invoice demo for us. For someone like me, who had been doing “manual” programming for years, the automatic normalization of the database proved a stunning reality. It was then that this thought came to my mind: “Why didn’t they come up with something like this before? It would have saved me so many hours of work!” Later on I attended the I GeneXus Meeting. Despite the reduced audience – we probably did not add up to one hundred attendees – in some way again, I felt that thing about being part of something significant that was about to disembark among us. Reminiscences of when the Internet was not aroundBy the early 90s, I had already quit the programming activity and continued working at De Larrobla & Asociados but as a Systems Engineer. In those days, prior to the birth of Bantotal we were in the business of selling IBM AS/400 computers, offering the added value of consultancy and software development services. My duties included pre and post sale assistance to help clients in selecting the computer most suitable to their needs. I was also in charge of installing and configuring the IBM AS/400 computers that we offered, in addition to imparting the corresponding training to users. During summer seasons, when sales used to fall, I worked for Artech on several occasions, assisting Gustavo Proto on automation tasks in the transfer to AS/400 of the source code generated on PC by GeneXus, and its compiling and rollover. Among other things, I participated in exporting reorgs from the development AS/400s – of software houses – to production ones – of clients. I have very fond memories of lunch breaks in the old kitchen of the 18 de Julio offices, shared with Breogán Gonda, Nicolás Jodal, Gustavo Proto, J.J Mastropietro, and Karina Santo. From those days when the Internet was still nonexistent, I still keep the vivid recollection of an enthusiastic Nicolás Jodal telling us about a book he had been reading, entitled: “The Neuromancer”, a sci-fi novel by William Gibson about cyberspace. It finally turned out to be a prophecy of what we were to live in short. |
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| | 1st GeneXus Meeting :: The story of the first GeneXus Meeting as told by its main figures |
| (19/07/2010-18:47) |
Breogán Gonda :: Nicolás Jodal :: Karina Santo :: Jorge Mastropietro :: Gustavo Proto |
Two decades full of different events have elapsed throughout these twenty Meetings, which were immersed in a time that allowed us to witness the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st. Along with the social, cultural and technological changes that took place on this journey, GeneXus and the Users Community have never stopped evolving. Starting today, we will take a look at the past that will be told in installments, in order to see how the GeneXus Community has evolved in these twenty years.
Who were its main figures? What was happening in the world on a social and technological level? In addition, we will share valuable material taken directly from GeneXus’ trunk of memories: photos, videos, graphics. Breogán Gonda, Nicolás Jodal, Karina Santo, Jorge Mastropietro and Gustavo Proto now take the stage!
Breogán Gonda :: “Twenty years of challenging the paradigm and pursuing our dreams”
“Two decades have passed during which we have built a valuable community, by challenging allparadigms. Two decades striving to make accomplishments and dreams come true, making the wildest ideas a reality.
The 1st GeneXus Meeting was held in 1990, after the foundation of Artech in 1988 and the release of the first version of GeneXus. A small group of people, the first GeneXus users, gathered at the Uruguay-Spain Chamber of Commerce (watch the commemoration clip at the bottom of this page). The tool met an urgent need of that time: automatic generation that enhanced productivity (the objective was to automatically generate 70% of the necessary programs, generate the database and then maintain all that was generated). We started with a small number of customers who were also colleagues; in addition to being tempted by the idea of what GeneXus meant, they gave a vote of confidence to our work. And then we faced our first big performance issue! It was a great challenge and we made huge efforts to overcome it, working around the clock for two weeks, focusing our energies on solving the problem. And we did it! Back then the team was made up by Nicolás Jodal, Karina Santo, Jorge Mastropietro, Gustavo Proto and me”. First problem solved

“The 1st GeneXus Meeting was the result of this performance problem, as we gathered our customers to inform them that they would soon get an updated version of GeneXus”.
“Two different outcomes resulted from this first Meeting, and the short-term one was negative. We didn’t sell anything for the following eight months! The explanation for this is that at first people were scared... However, the best result unfolded during the following twenty years, giving proof that the truth must always be faced and acknowledged. This beginning constitutes the foundation of our work method: we acknowledge that problems never cease to exist; when problems arise we will face them and solve them. In the Software industry there is no lack of problems, and they only disappear when the product is dead. Problems are also part of the dizzying speed of innovation”.
Once the initial scare was over, many new users began to use GeneXus and developers took the leap based on the results obtained and commitment with which innovation was undertaken. Shortly thereafter, GeneXus grew across Uruguay’s borders and started to be sold in Argentina, Brazil, and Chile. The II GeneXus Meeting had a three-fold increase in the number of customers, and in addition to having participants from Uruguay, the first regional customers were also in attendance. Nicolás Jodal :: “We were making a revolution” 
“Many times I’ve been asked about the challenge I saw in GeneXus and why I believed in that idea. What was most motivating to me was to feel we were making a revolution. It represented a new way of developing applications, which we discovered along the way. Every step forward led to another but our ultimate goal was revolution, because we had entered a field where things were done differently than the way we were proposing to do them, and little by little we found the coordinates. Fortunately, on our way we came across people who got on board the cause, such as Karina Santo, Gustavo Proto, Jorge Mastropietro; they were the first ones”. “Holding the 1st Meeting was the right call”
“To this day, I remember feeling a deep sense of duty with a touch of anxiety, but I was always confident that things would turn out well. Looking back, when that performance problem arose, the fact that we got immediately in touch with our first clients to let them know that we were working to solve the problem, and held what ended up being the 1st GeneXus Meeting was an excellent decision. Not only because problems are like vitamins for innovation, and we as engineers are seduced by the opportunity to solve them, but mostly because we succeeded in making them confident that we would solve it”.  “As years went by, each Meeting grew larger than the previous one. Looking at that first Meeting from today’s perspective, I cherish the thrill of expectation, the sense of duty, and the spontaneity of innovation, how things are at the beginning. What we weren’t fully aware of was that the first Meeting would be the foundation of many more yearly events. Fortunately, with time, the meetings became essential for Artech and the Community”.
Karina Santo :: “I’m GeneXus native” “My relationship with GeneXus began during my time as a university student. I took the same courses as Jorge Mastropietro and also knew Gustavo Proto and Nicolás Jodal because, even though we weren’t in the same class, I took some exams with them. At the time, Breogán Gonda was a professor. While I was studying, I started to work with an accounting software tool that Breogán was developing, and around 1988 I used GeneXus for the first time to develop a billing system. Later, I started to work full-time in the newly founded Artech. My beginnings are tied to GeneXus, because even though at the university I studied COBOL, my first applications were created with GeneXus”.

“As we all know, the first Meeting was driven by a performance problem, because applications were very slow with AS/400 SQL and we had to change to native code. In that sense, the 1st Meeting was intended to face up to a problem and commit ourselves to achieving the required performance levels.
I will never forget something that Breogán said that day, when he made an analogy between GeneXus and pelicans. He explained that extensive research had been carried out in an attempt to prove that, according to their anatomical structure (shape of their wings, height, etc.), pelicans were not well-equipped to fly, but since the birds didn't know it and were unaware of their lack of favorable conditions to fly, they were able to take off and fly anyway. In some way, this resembled what was going on with GeneXus; we were in Uruguay and back then no credibility was given in the technology field to a country with absolutely no tradition of working in that area. I remember that Breogán concluded by saying something like: ‘All current research would indicate that we aren’t able to fly, but we don’t know that, so we will fly anyway’. His words filled me with enthusiasm”.
“For me, being part of the 1st GeneXus Meeting was to be in the right place at the right time; I was motivated by the great challenge of what it means to begin something, the intensity of a fresh start, and its difficulties and good moments. It was groundbreaking technology that also posed certain difficulties for people to understand it, implying as it did a radical change of paradigm for those developers who had been working with native COBOL. Our confidence was based on the fact that the concept was very strong; to describe instead of program, and thus significantly increase programming performance levels was very attractive. In that sense, I witnessed the first impressions of the people who listened to our demos, and they were very surprised. It also happened that at first some of them thought that the product was wonderful but it worked only for prototypes, so we had to go out and prove that it also worked for large applications”. Jorge Mastropietro :: “I felt that I was working on something very innovative” “After graduating in 1986, I treated myself to a backpacking trip around Europe. I had worked with Breogán at the DGSS (which today is called BPS – Social Security Bank) where he was head of the data processing department. Before setting off on my trip, Gastón Mousques –who worked with Breogán– asked me if I wanted to work with them at my return. So when I came back I dedicated myself to migrating part of what was written in COBOL –the core of GeneXus– to C code”.
“Those were GeneXus’ origins. I was working on the initial stages of a technology that I sensed was extremely innovative. As I recall that was what motivated me the most. Besides, Artificial Intelligence was a fashionable topic back then, and they were dealing with that. However, even though we had AI in mind, we didn't have network computers or email to share work and information within the team. We used diskettes, and we had one that we called 'Cable'. “At the 1st GeneXus Meeting I saw all our customers together for the first time. I only knew some of them who visited Artech’s office. There were about 30 or 40 people, and I remember thinking that we were doing something important that was useful for different people and companies. On one hand, it made me very happy but the responsibility of it all made me 'nervous'. It was almost obvious that we would meet again with our users, there was something bigger in the air, and it was as if we were rehearsing for future meetings. I believe that at the 1st Meeting clients realized that we would work with them to solve the problems that would arise”. Gustavo Proto :: “I felt the same way I do now: that our technology is amazing!”
 “I became involved with GeneXus from the beginning because I was working closely to Breogán and Nicolás in the development of an accounting system that Breogan’s brother used in his accounting firm (called RCG). They needed a system and my objective was to develop and market this system, so they sponsored me. In fact, the system worked and sold pretty well.During that process I familiarized myself with what they were doing, which was the beginning of GeneXus. First they asked me to document it, and when they decided to start generating programs to update the database according to the transactions’ data, they asked me to develop a program prototype. Based on it, Nicolás started to generate the transactions’ code and, later, I ended up generating it myself”. “The 1st GeneXus Meeting implied a huge organizational effort that, in spite of the fact that it made me nervous, I undertook confidently because I firmly believed in the technology. Up to this day, I think it hasn’t been equaled. We were very well received by our first customers and this resulted in our deep commitment to our users: we said that we had a problem, that we knew how to solve it, and that we would fix it soon. This is how it was and will always be”.
1988 | | - An innovative company called Artechis born.
- Technological context: AS/400
AS/400 was the continuation of the System/38 database machine (announced by IBM in October 1978 and delivered in August 1979). System/38 was IBM’s most successful minicomputer, but its architecture had reached its limit. The first AS/400 systems were delivered in 1988 and the product line has been refreshed continually since then.
| 1989 | | - GeneXus 1.0
- In 1989, GeneXus 1.0 is released with its first generator called RPG and Cobol for AS/400, and the FoxPro generator is launched.
- What was going on in the world?
The Berlin Wall came down on the night of Thursday, November 9, 1989 to Friday, November 10, 1989, twenty-eight years after its construction. The opening of the wall, known in Germany under the name of die Wende (the Change), was a consequence of the demands for freedom of movement in the former GDR and frequent flees to embassies in capitals of the Warsaw Pact countries (especially Prague and Warsaw) and across the border between Hungary and Austria, which imposed less restrictions starting August 23.
|  | 1990 | | - The 1st GeneXus Meeting is held
- During the 1st Meeting, there were discussions about experiences and needs in connection to what was expected of the new tool. Many topics were put forward, in addition to announcing the new version. It was a moment when suggestions that the first users made to improve GeneXus were included in the following version. This sealed the close relationship between GeneXus and the Community, the fact that the software's creators were available to receive suggestions for changes and features which were incorporated from one year to the next.
- Just like this year (2010) the World Cup was being played, but in Italy. In the field of PCs, Windows 3.0 was being used and was the first popular version. This made it possible to execute old MS-DOS-based applications in multitasking mode. Windows 3 turned IBM’s PC into a serious competitor for Apple Macintosh.
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| | II to IV GeneXus Meetings :: Story of the Meetings :: Years 1991, 1992 and 1993 |
| (19/07/2010-18:45) |
Immersed in the DOS era, at the beginning of the 90s, new versions of GeneXus will be released :: The local press focuses on this young company that rapidly expands in the region :: The annual Meetings gain preeminence and the GeneXus Community as such starts to be created. |
1991 | | II GeneXus Users Meeting | | The II Users Meeting takes place on December 3rd, 1991, at the conference room of the Bank of Uruguay (BROU). Breogán Gonda announces that the number of GeneXus users in the region has grown three-fold. The Meeting becomes the ideal space for new users to share experiences about "A new world, that of the knowledge market."
Towards the end of the Meeting, Nicolás Jodal, joined by Jorge Mastropietro and Gustavo Proto, makes the first presentation that would become a traditional feature of the GeneXus Meetings: “GeneXus in the short and medium term.” The direction in which the technology is moving is part of the question that will be answered every year, in addition to the path that GeneXus will take.
As far as GeneXus was concerned, that year the focus was placed on database structure. Jodal spoke about the recent theory of dialogs for databases and, in that sense, he announced that a new object would soon be incorporated into GeneXus 3.0 to define queries on-screen. In addition, he announced the integration of a utility that enabled analysts to communicate designs within the GeneXus environment. Event-oriented programming was presented as an innovative development that would bring about changes to how programming was done, and GeneXus would be geared in that direction, affirmed Nicolás Jodal.
| | (This videos are available in spanish only ) | | · In attendance to share national and international experiences are: users and developers from ALADI (Latin American Integration Association), BROU, MGAP (Ministry of Livestock, Agriculture and Fisheries), Banco Santander, ACODIKE SUPERGAS, Interface, and distributors from Brazil, Paraná, Santa Catarina and Río Grande do Sul.
· GeneXus begins to expand in the region.
· In a short period of time, GeneXus leads sales of CASE tools for AS/400 in the region.
What was going on in the world of technology?
· The World Wide Web is born as a system of hypertext and/or hypermedia documents which are linked and can be accessed through the Internet. Created around 1990 and still limited exclusively to the academic field, it provides a Web browser that allows users to view web pages containing text, images, videos or other multimedia contents, and browse them using hyperlinks. The free operating system LINUX is created by Linus Torvalds, from Finland. The GNU project was started in 1983 by Richard Stallman with the objective of developing a Unix operating system composed only of free software. The history of the Linux core is closely related to that of the GNU project. |
| 1992 | | III GeneXus Users Meeting | | The III GeneXus Users Meeting was held at BROU’s conference room and, in view of the increased number of topics to discuss, it was held over the course of two days (December 7th and 8th, 1992). In addition to the presentation of experiences in the use of GeneXus, Breogán Gonda coordinates the Seminar titled "Incremental Solutions, Knowledge Marketing," in which he addresses the importance of achieving compatibility between databases developed by different users. The GIK project was also addressed on that occasion. Artech already had approximately 50 local and foreign distributors, GeneXus was used in approximately 250 foreign companies, and the staff was made up of 20 people. GeneXus is distributed by IBM in 8 diskettes. The first GeneXus Users Group starts to be organized. GeneXus Consulting is created to provide assistance to large companies that work with GeneXus.
| | | | | | | The local press pays attention to this young company: "Imagine an enterprise... a young IT enterprise that is run by young people. This innovative endeavor, with a revolutionary and unique product, is not a multinational. No, and it isn't in Silicon Valley either." El Observador Económico (June 15th, 1992). La Mañana newspaper publishes "GeneXus: national expertise at the forefront of Information Technology" (July 24th, 1992). Artech is distinguished as one of the 100 most innovative companies in Ibero-America, as published by El País (July 5th, 1992).
What was going on in the world of technology? Vinton Cerf, "the father of the Internet", creates the Internet Society, an organization dedicated to promoting the Internet.
| | | | | | | | | IV GeneXus Users Meeting | | - The IV GeneXus Users Meeting is held on October 24th and 25th, in Montevideo's city hall.
- At the event, technology solutions developed using GeneXus, such as AMICS, start to be presented.
- Experiences working with GIK are presented. The GIK project was a proposal for a standard in the context of knowledge reuse (GIK: GeneXus Incremental Knowledgebase).
- The increased number of presentations given by GeneXus users was followed by Nicolás Jodal's talks. At the time, he announced 2 GeneXus versions: 3.1 for Windows and 3.2 for Client Server.
- On a commercial level, GeneXus was being sold throughout Latin America.
| | | | Agreement signed with IBM - On April 1st, 1993, Artech signs an agreement with IBM at the Presidential Office of Uruguay. GeneXus becomes the first tool of its type created in Latin America.
What was going on in the world of technology? - Intel Pentium: The first Pentium was launched to the market on March 22nd, 1993, with initial speeds of 60 and 66 MHz, 3,100,000 transistors, internal cache of 8 KB for data and 8 KB for instructions; it was the successor of Intel’s 80486 processor.
- Mosaic: It becomes the Internet’s first graphical browser; the WWW to access the Internet gains popularity.
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| | XXGX:: GeneXus from version 1.0 :: The first members of the Community share their thoughts :: Fernando Lazcano |
| (19/07/2010-18:34) |
Fernando Lazcano, currently CPGSoft's director, was the first person in Artech's history to sell GeneXus to a customer. |
I discovered the tool before it was released, when it still was an emerging technology; it was a promise and entailed a new paradigm, and in that sense, by being a disruptive technology, it also generated certain resistance among developers who came from another culture. I remember Breogán's excitement when he explained his perception of databases; his vision was that they would be relational. :: A little known story: the first GeneXus implementation During the 80s, I ran a company dedicated to selling IBM software and hardware, networks, and so on. One of my customers, Barbieri & Leggire, a general store that served the interior of Uruguay, carried a wide range of goods and was growing exponentially. The context was that they had a Clipper programmer (Ramón Jacques) and he frequently got in touch with me when they needed more servers. The store expanded so much that, at a certain point, when he visited me to request new servers for "Purchases” I had the feeling that it was the right moment to give GeneXus a chance, so I suggested him to centralize all databases. Up to then, he had a server for each database (accounting, cars, payroll, etc.). As his technology solutions provider, I understood that this management based on thousands of items and dozens of suppliers had to be consolidated into a single database and other terminals. I suggested undertaking a reengineering project with GeneXus. Give or take a few words, our conversation went like this: "How much does it cost?" -he asked me. "Mmm... about 50 thousand dollars." "Whoa! It's like buying ten servers!" "Yes, you're right. But the annual maintenance cost will be lower and you will immediately realize how your data is optimized." "And how is it programmed? I don't know anything about it and it's very expensive. I'm not sure..." "Tell me something, how much do you pay for a twin-axle Mercedes Benz truck, when you purchase one to distribute your products across the country?" "We're speaking of a 45 or 50 thousand dollar investment." "And, how long do you take to make this decision? It's an essential tool; if you don't have one you lose money so I guess you just pick up the phone and order one right away. Am I right?" "(...) Sometimes it happens that way." "And, what's more important: the truck or this system, which I guarantee will be the technology solution that you need for your company?" "Well, I trust you, but... are you sure?" "I give you my word. As far as IBM is concerned, I completely trust them and regarding Artech, I guarantee you that its owners will provide you with full support to make the integration." In May 1989, we were making the first GeneXus implementation! Ramón Jacques implemented the system with the help of Nicolás Jodal, J.J. Mastropietro, Gustavo Proto and Breogán Gonda. :: From the I to the XX GeneXus Meeting The first Meeting was a positive experience; it generated trust and brought unity to an emerging Community. To me, it was an important milestone, a demonstration of professional and business ethics, as well as of respect for the customer. Then, in each ensuing Meeting, the GeneXus flame grew stronger. The GeneXus flame also shines brighter in me because I feel alive –technology-wise– thanks to GeneXus and, above all, I feel that I’ve been part of this journey since the beginning, when I joined other people to generate a network of channels to expand the product. In the GeneXus Community I find a network of friends and, in terms of technology, this community is highly proactive in relation to new technologies. For this reason, during the upcoming XX Meeting I wouldn’t be surprised to see and, what’s more, I’d really like the program to include, tracks about GeneXus and mobile devices. More specifically, we're extremely interested on .NET platforms for Smart Phones. Fernando Lazcano - II Encuentro GeneXus (spanish) |
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| | XXGX: GeneXus Certification Exams at the XX International Meeting |
| (19/07/2010-17:45) |
Just like every year, GeneXus Certification exams will be administered during the week of the Meeting. |
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| | XXGX: Take even more advantage of the XX GeneXus International Meeting: GeneXus X Evolution 1 Update Course |
| (19/07/2010-17:39) |
A free GeneXus X Evolution 1 Update Course aimed exclusively at attendees from outside Uruguay, will be given on Thursday and Friday after the XX GeneXus International Meeting. |
For those who travel to Uruguay from other countries, attending the XX GeneXus International Meeting is an investment in upgrading skills and knowledge.
After the days of the actual Meeting (from Monday, September 13th to Wednesday, September 15th), on Thursday, September 16th and Friday, September 17th from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., participants from outside Uruguay will have the opportunity to attend a free, intensive course on GeneXus X Evolution 1* and the latest Artech products, which will enable them to return to their countries with knowledge of the most innovative developments of the GeneXus technology.
The course –aimed at those who have previous knowledge of GeneXus and Web development skills– will be taught by Artech professionals and the topics addressed will be as follows: - IDE
- Build process
- Environments
- Patterns
- User Controls
- Query Object
- Extensions
- Web interactivity
- Data Providers
- Data Selectors
- External Objects
- Versioning, GXserver, Change Defender
- GXflow
Participants of this course will be given a completion certificate.
Places are limited.For this reason, we kindly request that before signing up you make sure you will be able to attend, in order to distribute places in the best way possible.
To sign up contact: training@genexus.com *The course is the same one provided last year, updated to the latest upgrade.
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| | XXGX: Do you want to be a speaker? |
| (19/07/2010-17:31) |
Submit your profile and topic to speak at the Meeting. Now you also have the option to include your own video in your proposal submission. |
This year, the main topics will revolve around the release of GeneXus X Evolution 2, and Artech's team will discuss the GeneXus technologies that continuously evolve in the changing world of ICTs. In addition, the technical talks, workshops and labs will be complemented with more tracks related to business and the development of professional skills. To submit a session proposal for the XX GeneXus Meeting, complete the form below. In addition to conventional registration, we offer a new field where you can enter the URL of your own video. The process is very simple and as a basic requirement you need to follow these guidelines: - Introduce yourself: name, position, name of the company that you work for and its main activities
- Introduce your session: title, content and main topics
- Define the target audience of your session and why it is important for them
- Once you have uploaded it to the Web, add the URL to the proposal submission form.
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| | XX meeting:: Making ideas happen, together |
| (05/07/2010-16:55) |
Could champagne-making, a handcrafted process, and the realization of each GeneXus Meeting have possibly anything in common? In fact, they do! |
 Champagne is a widely successful beverage that has been refined through centuries of prestige. A centenarian French technique, known as “méthode champenoise”, is the reason for the success of this sparkling wine, intended to transmit the utmost expression of the soil upon which vines are cultured, and to produce chains of perfect bubbles rising upward in freshly-filled glasses. Throughout several generations, entire families have been devoted to producing champagne, and guaranteeing that every new generation is instructed about every single detail implied by such elaborate process, which calls for a long sequence of tasks, care and decision-making. It also requires an inexplicable amalgamation of personal skill, intuition, and sensitiveness that can only be achieved through the years. A high degree of creativity is also necessary for obtaining flavor innovations, along with team work to allow for the possibility of bringing about the best champagne of all. The success of every edition is the result of combined efforts of a whole team during each stage along the process. For this reason, a mistake made in one of them can negatively affect the end result. The adventure starts with the selection of grape varieties, where a number of aspects, like pruning and irrigation methods, are to be considered. Then comes the harvest, the “tirage” stage, selection of the best grains, the adding of yeast for a second alcoholic fermentation, the ageing time, up to the “remuage”, when champagne is conferred its unique personality. But the high point of the process is uncorking a bottle to celebrate. GeneXus Meetings are somewhat similar: they represent the high point of a whole year’s work, and a space to share with peers our experiences – both good and bad – which always imply lessons learnt. Meetings provide a scenario to bring ideas to, and to take other ideas back with us at the end. They are a perfect environment for getting to know each other and exchange the knowledge acquired, as well as a time for reflecting upon what has been attained, and an opportunity to make a halt and gather momentum in order to continue dreaming. Meetings are also a time to celebrate. And this opportunity is especially meant for celebrating, since it’s been 20 years since the first GeneXus Meeting. Two decades during which we have built a valuable community, by challenging all paradigms. Two decades of accomplishments and dreams come true, making the wildest ideas a reality. Just as it happens with champagne-making, a good part of all this was possible thanks to our team work, based on individual efforts to accomplish the team’s desired outcome, and the addition of the every team’s achievement towards collective success. And the complement necessary for making it possible has been GeneXus: a conception that seemed impossible for its time that has lingered for over 20 years, turning the Community’s ideas into an unstoppable giant. 20 Meetings bringing ideas to reality, so let’s make a toast to that and celebrate! |
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| | XX GeneXus Meeting :: We’re getting close :: Be part of the largest event in 20 years! |
| (07/06/2010-17:15) |
How are you getting ready? You can propose a session, follow us on social networks, or sign up for free. |
The GeneXus Community can feel it. This year we celebrate the 20th GeneXus Meeting! The XX GeneXus Meeting will be held in Montevideo, Uruguay on September 13-15, 2010. It’s a very special occasion for Artech, in the sense that in addition to two decades of sharing and realizing innovative ideas, there is a global, dynamic and strong Community to explain the growing success of each one of our Meetings. To prepare ourselves for this great occasion, the page www.genexus.com/meeting has been enabled for everyone to publish comments as well as suggest or propose sessions. If you want to, you can already sign up online*.  Follow the XX GeneXus Meeting on Facebook and post your photo. Sing up for the XX GeneXus Meeting. *The official website of the XX Meeting will be released soon. |
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| | XX Meeting: How are we getting ready? |
| (10/05/2010-21:07) |
The XX GeneXus Meeting is drawing near and the Community can feel it. We invite you to view the pre-release video and participate with your photo or suggestion. |
To prepare ourselves for this great occasion, the page www.genexus.com/meeting has been enabled for everyone to publish comments and suggestions about the event that is drawing near. What will happen in Montevideo?
On the Facebook page of the XX GeneXus Meeting, you can upload photos related to this topic: How do you imagine the XX GeneXus Meeting? These are some of the photos that have been published. |
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