

4 signals evidencing that the “Internet of Things” is getting closer

Experts anticipate that, in less than 5-years’ time, life in Latin America will take place in an unrestricted and smart digital environment. So, what advances are we already benefitting from today? In the article below, our CEO Nicolás Jodal explains the IoT era to Mexican portal Alto Nivel.*

The Internet of Things refers to connections and communications through the web, among electronic devices around us. This enables the creation of fully intelligent households or offices, meant for generating useful information and adapted to our needs to make things easier.
But, how did we manage to reach this point? What factors allowed us this degree of innovation? These were two questions that AltoNivel.com.mx made to Nicolás Jodal, who explained that we are closing to taking the leap into the new world that will change the way in which we relate to our surroundings. From his viewpoint, the Internet of Things is almost a reality, due to four aspects that, together, enable the existence of a new digital environment.

  1. Mobile consolidation
As Jodal explained, mobile devices will represent the basis for generating a new environment, since they will act as the central command for everyone, as they will control interactions among all devices.
Tablets, as well as smartphones and “wearables”, and mainly smarwatches, will allow everyone to be connected to anything, from their own garments to a variety of different personal effects.
  1. Cloud power
Another common topic is the cloud and the great amount of information we can store in it. The cloud is expected to hold practically all communications generated among devices and electronic instruments. All applications created by software houses with the purpose of enabling connections with endless things will be saved on the cloud, regardless of, for example, the memory of specific mobile devices.
3. Extended sensors
One of the main elements to bear in mind in this respect are sensors. These enable the connection between devices, and represent the main generators of information.
We already have some examples around, like smartwatches, by both Apple and Google, including sensors to detect our physical conditions at all times.
4. Positioning through beacons
And, as the Artech executive recalled, we also have “beacons”.  Jodal predicts that the use of beacons will be on the rise in coming years, because they will be used to enable the devices to which we are connected to determine our exact location before they start functioning.
Beacons will be an aid for rapid data searching on all things, in addition to their utmost functionality for the experiences we will be encountering along with the Internet of Things, outside our homes and offices.

*We invite you to read the full article at the original source
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