

BHV Management System at Vinibel

"Thanks to the installation of the ASP modality, we could complete our project with 40% of the expected investment, and obtained a solution that has exceeded our expectations," said Marcelo Kaplán, Vinibel's Director.

BHV Informática specializes in the analysis and development of tailor-made systems, IT consulting, network and server installation, and marketing of its BHVSGI integral management system, both in the traditional and ASP (Application Server Provider) modalities.

Vinibel -one of the companies that have installed the BHVSGI system in ASP modality- is an import company that supplies and installs floor and wall sheathing for residential and commercial use, and is a representative in Uruguay of the leading sheathing manufacturers in the world.

"Thanks to the installation of the ASP modality we completed our project with only 40% of the expected investment, and obtained a solution that has actually exceeded our expectations," said Marcelo Kaplán, Vinibel's Director.

The company needed to connect its three branches in real time. It was also seeking to improve operations and thoroughly track each sale, automate administrative tasks and checks, formalize procedures, and obtain real, concrete and clear information about the business, to support decision making.

Kaplán emphasized that "The solution has exceeded our expectations by far, not only in terms of technology but also of the features offered by BHVSGI and the type of support provided by the company."

BHVSGI is a standard, integrated, multi-company and multi-currency, GeneXus-developed management system that integrates the Workflow technology and uses GXplorer and GXQuery as Business Intelligence solutions.

Access to statistics and business indicators in real time, better control of daily operations, savings in hardware and communication expenses, and access to the system from any location in the world are some of the advantages offered by the solution. This way, it contributes to Vinibel's objectives by allowing them to offer better service and differentiate themselves from competitors.

To illustrate what all this means, Kaplán talked about an experience with a customer who once called at around 8 p.m., their office closing time. "I just happened to be at the office by chance, and didn't know the conversations she had had with our staff, or the quote that we had given her. The customer was asking for an additional discount. Thanks to the thorough tracking of the whole sale, that included the first conversations with this particular client up to the quote delivered, I could close the deal in five minutes? The customer was seeking a good price, so she had also contacted our competitors. Without this system, I wouldn't have been able to close the deal without asking her to call me the following day, giving competitors a time advantage over us," he said.

Vinibel's Director explained that the biggest challenge was accepting the fact that the company data would be stored somewhere else. He stressed that their trust in BHV Informática, and its clarity when it comes to problem solving, had been critical factors for them to adopt the solution and to its success.


BHVSGI in the ASP Modality