

Colors’ modification in the events’ editor.

In order to modify the colors of the comments, background, text, etc of the rules/events’ editor, the following key words can be added in the GXW32.INI file (that is in the directory of WINDOWS), under the Editor\Default Files section:

In order to modify the colors of the comments, background, text, etc of the rules/events’ editor, the following key words can be added in the GXW32.INI file (that is in the directory of WINDOWS), under the Editor\Default Files section:

Comment=X,X,X -> for the comments’ colors. The default is green (0,255,0).

Quote=X,X,X -> for the color of the strings between simple and double quotation marks. The default is red (255,0,0)

Default text=X,X,X -> for the text by default. The default is black (0,0,0)

Background=X,X,X -> For the background color. The default is white (255,255,255)

Autoindent=X -> if you want auto indenting or not. This means that if the value is in 1, after the enter of an indented text, leave the cursor in the column where that text starts and not in the 0 column. The default is 1 (TRUE).

X,X,X represents the color in RGB code (Red, Green, Blue). These numbers can be obtained from the Edit Color of Windows’ Paint.

NOTE: Before editing the file we recommend backing it up.