

Deadline Monitoring in GXflow

GXflow, GeneXus Workflow engine, includes as part of its services several procedures to monitor deadlines of the tasks that are being executed.

Deadlines permit to model the urgency of a task by specifying a maximum processing time. In GXflow, the deadlines of the tasks under execution are monitored using several procedures:

WFDeadlineChecker. This procedure controls deadlines a single time, that is, verifies the occurrence of deadlines at the time the procedure is executed. WFDeadlineScheduler. This procedure permits to obtain a real monitoring of deadlines, through permanent automated control. This procedure receives as a parameter the time interval (in seconds) that will elapse between the end of an execution and the start of the next. In each execution the WFDeadlineChecker procedure is called.

External Scheduling Utility. For example, the System Scheduler. For more information go to:




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