

Demand for Apple TV apps expected to double in 2016

The challenge ahead for programmers will be to come up with applications for enhanced experiences with this new product by Apple.

Following the introduction of Apple TV’s fourth generation, the challenge lying ahead for programmers will be to work on the applications that will result in a better experience with this Apple product that includes a new environment of applications denominated with the name “tvOS”.
The new Apple TV has replaced the command of previous generations with a new six-button command and a surface similar to a “touchpad” that makes things much easier for the user when it comes to navigating through menus.  
In the opinion of Fabián Inthamoussu –a GeneXus system analyst specialized in Apple platforms– the new operating system for Apple TV (tvOS), as well as its form of interaction with the application, is quite different from all others. “In the absence of a mouse or a tactile screen, a customized remote control with voice assistant and a manipulable tactile screen instead better adjust to the user’s needs,” explained Inthamoussu. Additionally, Inthamoussu commented that Apple TV includes Parallax effects for a better user perception in relation to contents and for highlighting the elements focused on.  
The new Apple TV will be easily controlled through the Siri intelligent personal assistant that is compatible with the device. With Apple’s famous voice assistant, users may request that Apple TV reproduce a specific film, or that it rewind or show information on a given performer, in addition to access to applications-to-be.
Additionally, in what concerns the layout of applications for Apple TV, the specialist explained that it is possible to choose from two possible modes: Templates, which are simple applications centered on the multimedia content (this mode is programmed by using web technology such as Java Script and TML), and Customs, a less technological mode that resorts to manual controls on screen, beyond what we are used to having in other platforms. Swift is usually used in its programming.
The new tvOS operating system for Apple TV allows the possibility of applications for third parties. However, research work is still carried by specialists on tvOS’ platform.  “With GeneXus we will have generators of applications, regardless of the number of platforms to be created,” said Fabián Inthamoussu.
Another important aspect in apps is monetization, since the business model must prove to be attractive for consumers. This enables the use of the novel Sponsorship model, whereby a commitment relationship is established by the Sponsor in relation to the application, based on mutual knowledge.
It shows a difficult implementation in automatic applications. The idea is for this application to experience an expansion; and the commitment by its sponsor, in relation to advertising, is that the app must undergo renewals that include an approach by both parties towards clients.
Applications for Apple Tv are expected to become a possible source of income during the next year, for the market as well as for their developers. Trends and target public management are fundamental platforms in creating an efficient app aimed at achieving a high number of clients within the mass of customers of several companies.

* The last GeneXus Meeting (#GX25) included a conference on Apple, iOS, WatchOS, and TVOS

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