

Develop Internet without a server by Gustavo Carriquiry

Many times, to use WebPanels it is necessary to have a WebServer, but it isn’t available. The typical case is the notebooks. However, in the Visual Studio 6.0a there is a "pack" that includes a local WebServer.

Many times, to use WebPanels it is necessary to have a WebServer, but it isn’t available.

The typical case is the notebooks. However, in the Visual Studio 6.0a there is a "pack" that includes a local WebServer: Best of all is that it’s very easy to install and it has only 14 MB !!! (*)

I recommend it because I have used it, and the product has proven itself that it really works. With this, if you have the GX+VB+Personal WebServer you will no longer need anything more than a notebook to generate applications for Internet.


How do you install it?


First, you will need the VStudio 6.0 CDs, particularly Disc 1 and 2.

Next, execute the SETUP and choose "Server Applications and Tools".

From there, choose the "NT Option pack (for windows 9x),

and so on....


(*) Obviously this will depend on how much Vstudio, MSDAC, etc. you have installed. In my personal experience, it was only 14 MB.