

Dharma: integral and integrated solutions

Thanks to Dharma's integral management tool -based on the philosophy of parameters which take into account the client's business- companies can evolve according to the actual state of the market .....

Dharma is a Uruguayan software development company that has used GeneXus as a development tool since it set up in business seven years ago.
Dharma wanted to offer from the start an integral and integrated solution that would meet all the requirements of businesses. “Thanks to the parametric nature of the management tools developed, it was possible to build an ERP to serve the operations of each client. The specifics of the different activities were added to the package, and they could be activated or deactivated through parameters. The incremental development of the ERP and each of its parts was thus made possible,” explained Daniel Do Carmo, Commercial Manager of Dharma.
Each tool may act independently or linked to the ERP, since all the shared structures can be maintained from within or outside the ERP.
This is a great advantage in the variable business world, where the business focus and concepts may change but the investment in the software remains because the same product is used.
The first step in this process of consolidation of Dharma as a solution provider for medium and large businesses in the national and regional market was its salaries and wages pay solution (Dharma Labor). It was the first product from Dharma Consultores to reach the regional market after an integration agreement was signed with GACI International, which used it as its Human Resources tool.
As Daniel Do Carmo, Commercial Manager of Dharma, pointed out, the parameterization that Dharma Labor can offer is possible thanks to the benefits of using
Dharma Accounting, the financial accounts module, allows the definition and analytic composition of accounts through a wide range of attributes.
These attributes will be defined according to the information required by each company in order to have an adequate follow-up of their goals and a control of their business.
Dharma Consultores is currently working in the GIVS (
GeneXus Internet
Virtual Space) on a web-supplier’s self-management system for a multinational company. Combined with Dharma Accounting and Dharma-Purchases, this system will enable companies not only to publish information for their suppliers, but also offer them the possibility to manage pricing operations, deliveries controls, and payment queries, said CEO Federico Helbling.
The goal of Dharma Consultores solutions is to “make the following premise come true: ‘that data should be entered only once, no matter in what management process it will be used or the area of the company that enters it’,” Dharma’s Commercial Manager explained.

Gxplorer 3.0 has been released