

Distance course on the Java generator

The distance course on the Java generator is already available. It includes a simple and complete explanation of basic concepts about Java as well as of the use of the generator.

The process is based on two videos that show the configuration and the setting of 2-tier Java applications, either Win or Web, step by step. Students can not only replay and review the content of the course as much as they want, but also have their questions answered by a teacher, via e-mail, for ten days.
At the end of the course, students can take an exam and receive as long as they obtain a passing grade a diploma certifying participation in this course, specifying its distance modality.

For more information on the course, please refer to: http://www.gxtechnical.com/training/distance 

GeneXus distance training
GeneXus distance-learning course via the Internet
Distance GeneXus 8.0 Course for the Internet