

Events in Argentina

Two GeneXus meetings will take place in Argentina the next week of November. HTS Litoral and HTS S.A together with the PAC enterprise are the ones in charge of the organization in Rosario and Neuquen, respectively.

The first GeneXus event organized by HST Litoral is going to take place on 15th November in the city of Rosario. It will take place at Complejo Centro Castilla (Salón "Marquéz") and will count on the attendance of Nicolás Jodal of ARTech Consultores. The Neuquén Province will also have its first GeneXus Meeting this month. It is organized by HST S.A. and the PAC enterprise. It will take place at Cámara de Industria y Comercio (Industry and Commerce Chamber) of Neuquen the next Friday 17.

GeneXus Rosario Program
8:30 a 9:00 hs  Credits.
9:00 a 9:15 hs  Welcome in  charge of CEO of HST, Dr. Jorge Labombarda.
9:15 a 10:30 hs Internet, a new business paradigm. GeneXus facing this reality. Version 7.0. Vice President of ARTech, Uruguay, engineer Nicolás Jodal.
10:30 a 10:45 hs Break.
10:45 a 11:45 hs Our solutions based on knowledge. Migration strategies from offline to the new economy. Licensee Cecilia Caporaso.
11:45 a 12:45 hs E-business challenge. President of the Cámara Argentina de Comercio Electrónico (Argentinean Chamber of Electronic Commerce), licensee Carlos Tomasino.
12:45 a 13:00 hs  Closing words. Engineer Daniel Cabrera, partner of HST Litoral.

More information: hlitoral@ciudad.com.ar

Neuquén Program
16.00 Credits
16.15 GeneXus from the G to the S: Introduction
17.00 GeneXus: A practical vision
18.00 Coffee break
18.30 Introduction to the new technologies (Internet, JAVA, DW, WorkFlow)
19.30 Questions & Answers.

More information: info@profesionalesasociados.com

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