

GeneXus 7.5 in Chinese

The first GeneXus application in Chinese has been developed with GeneXus 7.5, the Java generator, and it has incorporated the use of XML messages. Lionel Kaminsky from GeneXus Inc. shared some views on the technical characteristics of the project.

GeneXus Inc. and Axon Technologies put a GeneXus application into production. This application is totally written in Chinese, and it is part of a project carried out by Want-Want, a rice company, which has become the first GeneXus client in China. Want-Want is one of the main rice companies in the country with offices in Shangai and Taiwan, and 37 branches throughout China provinces.
The application in production is supposed to process client orders, inventory, and payment.
"We started with GeneXus version 7.5 RC with builds for support of the Chinese language. We used GeneXus Visual Basic with Access for prototyping, and the GeneXus Java generator for the application's production environment', explained Lionel Kaminsky, consultant at GeneXus Inc. who traveled to Shangai in order to support the initial steps in the development of the project on which Want-Want, the rice company, has embarked.
In China, the technological infrastructure is limited since there are several places in which communication networks do not always allow Internet access. As a matter of fact, some Want-Want branches have no electricity for days, Kaminsky commented.

The project requires working with databases distributed all throughout, and data transfer through exchange files in XML format which are sent by mail, ftp, etc. Up until now, the rice company used to work with an application operating on DOS and with Excel worksheets.

The first installation phase of the system starts in March with the system installation in the sales offices of HangZhou y Shangai. The implementation plan includes progressive installation in sales offices of Want-Want until installation in all 37 branches spread throughout the Chinese territory is completed.
"The idea is to, little by little, make all the necessary changes and develop everything that is required to embrace the whole functioning of the company, added Kaminsk.y

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