

GeneXus News in GXportal

GeneXus News are now managed with GXportal, which incorporates changes and improvements in the delivery and presentation of information to our readers.

With this change our subscribers can choose between an HTML version with a design we will continue to improve or the text version of the news titles and headlines. The full text version of the news has been discontinued and those who used to receive that version will now receive the text version of the titles and headlines. We remind you that you can change your options whenever you wish.

We remind you that GeneXus news are still being offered by RSS for those who’d like to integrate them to their RSS readers.

News search has been improved with the change since you can now search in the news history by key words or phrases, by publication date ranges and everything by news type. News search is included in the general search of all the contents of GXtechnical site and it can be accessed from the top right hand bar on all its pages: http://www.gxtechnical.com/

We hope you enjoy and benefit from these changes! Your opinions and comments are welcome.

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