

GeneXus Query in the market

This month, ARTech will launch GeneXus Query, wich will be distributed for free on the basis of one license for every basic license of GeneXus Development Environment, as a way to foster development and growth of this new ARTech's product.

GeneXus QUERY allows final users to query any database without having to build a data warehouse, nor having to do  any additional development. The main objective of GeneXus QUERY is to substitute an important part of the specifically and continuously developed applications reports by dynamic queries. This is a way to provide flexibility and power to final users engaged in information analysis, while freeing them from the need to resort to analysts for additional developments. Gerardo Wisosky, Manager of Public Relations with ARTechs partners, and Manager of GeneXus QUERY and GXplorer (gwisosky@artech.com.uy), stressed the fact that GeneXus QUERY will, little by little, substitute reports and queries, making things easier for developers, and giving users the possibility to create their own reports and queries.

GeneXus QUERY includes the metadata manager which makes the creation of the metadata possible the setting, and the user's interface called QUERY Tool. In order to foster development of GeneXus QUERY, a free license of GeneXus QUERY will be granted for every basic license of GeneXus Development Environment to all clients up to date with maintenance.

Wisosky stated that GeneXus QUERY has been positioned as a massive product at really low prices. Software houses, in particular, will have the chance to incorporate GeneXus QUERY to their systems (bundle model)  by obtaining even lower prices through agreements with
ARTech and GeneXus distributors worldwide.

Together with the launching of GeneXus QUERY,
ARTech introduces a new form of commercialization through the Web with postings of pricelists for clients. Direct sale through the Web will add up to the wholesale distribution channel, and to software houses which commercialize GeneXus products.

This new
ARTech product will not have a maintenance cost, and future versions of GeneXus QUERY will be sold at a cost fixed on an update basis. GeneXus QUERY is a product targeted to very simple users who do not need traditional support.. In spite of this, support will be offered mainly through the Web (http://www.genexus.com/gxquery), in the GeneXus QUERY forum, and through software houses and GeneXus distributors. The forum is already working with more than 100 software houses which are trying the product. Many of them have already started production, and some of them have even installed it for their clients.

"More than 500 licenses have already been sold before the launching. We have signed several agreements, in
Uruguay and throughout the world, with software houses which are going to incorporate the product to their applications with the bundle model", Mr. Wisosky reported.

"In 2002, we expect software houses to come to
ARTech and tell us about the questions they have. We would like to help them do good business by offering them commercial and marketing assistance. The commercialization plan for GeneXus QUERY is an example of the new initiatives that we will continue to promote" Gerardo Wisosky concluded.

GXplorer: Its history
GXplorer: Goodbye to the reports
GXplorer 3.0 RC (Charrúa version) available on the Internet.
GXplorer in Casasco Laboratories
"We would like to grow 30% in 2002"
Teyma uses GeneXus QUERY
VISA information on-line with GeneXus
Joint project between GeneXus Consulting and ICA
GeneXus QUERY has its own Web site
"GXQuery offers clients a solution that is easy to operate"
Coming Up Soon: GeneXus Query 2.0