

GeneXus Solis version Beta 3

Solis version Beta 3 was released. This beta has the main features to be released in the final Solis version that include a new object definition interface and the web and Non-Web generators' split ..

Since this beta  the view associated to all GeneXus objects is modified in order to improve the interface and make it clearer and friendlier to the user. Moreover, in order to generate Web objects from GeneXus applications which up to now had to be performed by using the same generator than the rest of the objects- we incorporatedWeb generators that must be used in order to generate web objects (Web Panels, Web Transactions). This feature is implemented for Visual Basic and Java generators. In the case of C/SQL generator Web objects are also generated, but we do not add a new generator. This is the first beta that includes VFP and VFP Client Server generators.

Apart from the ones mentioned before, the most important features included in this beta are:

  • Long attributes, tables, objects names.
    We allow indicating how many the meaningful features to determine the objects, attributes and tables names unity are.       
  • Multiple DBMSs in VB
    In the version 7.0 you could simultaneously establish more than one connection from a program to different databases (of different manufacturers). Since this version, it is also possible to do it by using VB as a generator.
  • New data types
    We have implemented new data types. They make some applications functionalities programming easier including the concept of orientation to objects through them. The data types included in this beta are:
    • XMLWriter/XmlReader: In previous betas, some functions to record XML files (Xmlwriter) were included. In this beta, there have been some improvements to that and we also implement XML reading functions (xmlreader).    
    • MailMessage and MailSession Data types: This new type of data s aim is to unify the interaction functions with the message s sending and reception for the different languages generated. Apart from that, as it is a new data type, it provides an inter face of the  orientation to objects style to manage the mail.     
    • HTTPClient, HTTPResponse and HTTRequest Data types: This functionality gives GeneXus users a simple way of using HTTP in his programs. In order to do that we created this type of data which make it possible to manage the communication via http protocol and to send/receive information through it.       
  • Transactions in Java with back-end http
    Until now, the transactions in Java could be generated in 2 or 3 tiers (using the RMI, CORBA or DCOM protocols). Since this beta, Java generator supports that a transaction may have a 'back-end' http.
    This concept is similar to the 3 tiers one. This means that the interface is solved in the client and the access to the database is solved in a web server, but with the difference that the communication between these components is done through a POST http and you do not need a server for the component that is executed in the server. Having a servlets engine that executes it is enough.    
  • Outproc WebComponents
    In previous betas, we implemented the  web components to try to re-use a code that is common to several objects. They could only be generated  inproc . Since this beta they may be inproc or outproc.

Other features included in this beta are:  

  • Referential integrity in the DBMS in VB
  • Generation of VB as classes
  • XPW as XML
  • Code optimization in webpanels
  • Primary key can be not accepted if it is assigned in the rules
  • Msg and error with expression
  • Titles of horizontal and vertical attributes
  • fileexist function
  • Refresh event of webpanels independent from subfiles 
  • Onclickevent property for images 
  • The message in the navigation when there is no index that satisfies the order was changed  
  • Improvements to the object selector 
  • Time-out for Unix 

Apart from the formerly said, a set of temporal limitations that existed in former betas have been eliminated.

The registered beta testers may get the new beta in the download section of Solis Beta Testers area

It is important to take into account that the objects saved with GeneXus Solis B3 version will not be able to be opened with previous versions and as the exportation files format was changed exporting and consolidating in previous versions is not possible, either. The XPWs of previous versions will be able to be consolidated in B3, except for the exceptions established in the corresponding documentation.

NOTE: The release notes of this beta version are still being translated. The documentation already translated is being added to the GeneXus Developer Library: http://www.artech.com.uy/Solis/gxdl/gxdlsolis.asp?English/GeneXus_Solis/sspgral.htm

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