

GeneXus Technological Preview

ARTech will release some features of GeneXus Yi before the first beta version. This Technological Preview begins with MySQL support for the Java generator.

The participant is responsible for converting his/her application to the DBMS and executing the necessary functionality, performance and concurrency tests, as if going into production. Also, participants should give ARTech feedback of the process results.

Enrollment must be done prior to May 14; we will specially consider those cases with applications under production with other DBMS, defined testing techniques, etc. It is important to note that there are limited spaces in order to offer more individualized attention to those individuals participating in this project.

If you would like to participate of this Tech Preview using the Java generator with MySQL, please complete the form available in: http://www.genexus.com/portal/hgxpp001.aspx?2,1,141,O  

Going Further On the GeneXus Paradigm
GeneXus Yi Beta 2 Has Been Released