

GeneXus Yi Beta 3 Was Released!

This version allows designing the layout just once and then using it in any Web Panel with Master Pages. It also facilitates the use of Blobs, extends the use of SDTs, introduces a new GeneXus object, and much more.

Main characteristics

Master Pages
They enable a single application layout definition thus achieving better performance, less code generation and consistent appearance for all the application. Just by changing the Master Web Panel, the appearance of the application will be modified in all the Web Panels. More information: http://wiki.gxtechnical.com/wiki/tiki-index.php?page=MasterPages

Blobs in Web Forms
The Blob fields and their attributes are displayed in the browser and updated in the Data Base extremely easily. More information: 

New GeneXus Object: Language
This object enables translating all or some of the messages and text to any desired language. More information: 

Structured Data Types (SDT) in Forms
In this version, the use of SDT is extended by offering the possibility of inserting SDTs directly into the GeneXus object forms (Web Panels, Work Panels, Transactions, Reports). This entails a substantial improvement in development productivity when using SDTs. More information: 

URL access Property
A new property of the Web Components enables choosing whether a Web Component can be accessed from a URL or not. When it cannot be accessed from a URL then it can be transferred parameters such as SDT or Collections as well as less rigorous security checks, thus increasing productivity due to better application performance. More information: 

Message Queue handling data types
GeneXus applications can read and publish in a Message Queue. This feature allows better integration between applications and it enables them to interoperate asynchronically. More information:


More GeneXus Yi beta 3 News

GeneXus Yi Homepage 




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