

#GX26, @GeneXus 2016 International Meeting Recap (By Gabriel Simonet)

This is my personal "GX26, GeneXus 2016 International Meeting Recap", a few partially un-official notes. 
So… another International GeneXus Meeting is gone (just like the other 25 before… in a haste!). Half a year of preparation, gallons of coffee, tons of chocolate, a whola lotta stress, and, like Jack Johnson says…"gone".

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The V Technical Meeting of Distributors, Sub-distributors an
About the lectures: GXFlow’s future
Chat on GeneXus and Microsoft in Datawarehousing
GeneXus at a glance with Nicolás Jodal
III GeneXus Meeting in Spain
Sub distributors meeting in Argentina
GeneXus in Argentina
1st GeneXus Data Warehouse Meeting in Argentina
Events in Argentina
I GeneXus Users Meeting in Peru
VI GeneXus Alliance technical meeting
GeneXus in Mar del Plata
GeneXus Users Meeting in Chile
HST offers seminar in Buenos Aires
II GeneXus Users Meeting in Peru