

GXportal 4.0

GXportal's new version works on mobile devices, allows for faster navigation and enhances its usability, among other innovations.

GXportal 4.0 will be officially launched during the XIV GeneXus International Meeting, where you'll have the opportunity to know in depth its new features by attending the GXportal presentation that'll take place on Monday, June 14th. We now present you the new version's main features.

Mobile GXportal
This GXportal version generates pages that can be navigated from a Pocket PC as well as from a cellular phone (WAP), by simply using GXPortlets for mobile devices included in GXportal 4.0.

My Portal
The new GXportal version allows the user to choose the content s/he wishes to display on the screen when entering the portal, for a customized visit. This functionality is especially useful in those cases where a large amount of content is offered through different components.

Enhanced Usability
GXportal has changed its look; the aesthetic enhancement of the tool's interface comes along with improvements in usability, performing the same functions with less clicks.

Faster Navigation
Since the HTML code generated by GXportal was reduced from 30% to 40%, an improvement in navigation performance is observed at the sites designed and built with GXportal.

Increased Design Reuse
GXportal adds another inheritance level to the templates already offered, by allowing the use of components for design and content.

Content Administration
History: GXportal version 4.0 incorporates content version control, which generates new versions as contents are modified, allowing historical data to be backed-up from its first edition and retrieving older versions at any time. Those sites that handle large content volumes and are managed by many users can benefit from having different content versions available as they're being modified.

File Management: This characteristic solves the unstructured information management issue, since document posting on the portal is considerably simplified. Now, to post a file (.doc, .pdf, etc.) on the portal, it's only necessary to upload the document and the link to this document is automatically generated. It also allows the author of the document to post it on the portal.

Visit GXportal's new Web site!


We remind you that you'll also have the opportunity to get to know GXportal at the laboratories (limited capacity) and scheduled 20-25 presentations during the Event. In addition, you can visit ARTech's stand, located at the main hall on the 2nd floor, in front of the Ballroom.

Please see the XIV GeneXus International Meeting Program. http://www.genexus.com/event2004/program

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