
GXportal new logo 2006

GXportal Course

A new GXportal course will be delivered next December 18. GXportal is the tool for the creation of dynamic portals and the integration of online applications.

GXportal is a tool that allows designing, managing and maintaining dynamic portals without any need to program, with a friendly web interface from which the user can build his portal and publish information in a few steps.  

The course will start on December 18 and will last 5 days taking 5 hours a day (from 9:00 am to 2.00 pm). It is aimed at the people in charge of designing, building and maintaining portals. They will be trained in the use of GXportal, a tool that will allow them executing every task in a fast, simple and efficient way. 

As prerequisite, students must have IT knowledge at end user level. To ask for prices and registrations please contact: training@genexus.com

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