

How to perform a trace generating Client Server ?

In Client Server architectures, the applications have a DLL that works as API with the Database Manager that is being used. If you want to get an execution’s trace, the DLL must be changed by another one (debug DLL).

In Client Server architectures, the applications have a DLL that works as API with the Database Manager that is being used.

If you want to get an execution’s trace, the DLL must be changed by another one (debug DLL). This debug DLL is basically the same than the former DLL with the difference that it sends all the sentences it executes to a text file (the log file).

How to use debug DLL’s ?

Copy the debug DLL corresponding to the generator to the model’s directory (DATA00x) and backup the former one.
The debug DLL’s are available at http://www.genexus.com/forum/debug/debug.htm.
Edit the GXCS.INI file that is in Windows directory and add the following lines:

[GeneXus C/S]
Tracefile=<log file’s name>


  • <Trace> can have values between 0 and 4. The more this value is increased, the more detailed the information in the log file will be.
  • <TraceTime> can have 0 or 1 values. If its value is 0, the execution time and date of each sentence will not be put.
  • <TraceFile> Log file’s name and road. The directory where the log file resides must exist; it is not created by the application.

After the log has ended, restore the debug DLL by the original one.