
ht 291

How to: Transform the pattern templates into dll and make them available to the client

Attention pattern developers: as of GeneXus X U # 4 and the Beta 2 version of GeneXus X Evolution 1, it is possible to transform pattern templates to deliver them to the client.
When developing a pattern in GeneXus X, how do we transform pattern templates into dll and deliver them to the client?

In some cases, it is necessary to develop a pattern, with the template files (.dkt) not being visible to end users. In that case, what we need is to generate a dll for each template file, so that deployment can be carried out using a dll instead of a .dkt file.

How do we do this?

1) To generate the dlls corresponding to the templates in batch form, you can use the MsBuild tasks found in the "Artech.Template.MsBuildTasks.dll" file.

2) Then, in the .Pattern file, the name of the dll must be entered instead of the dkt.

When you make these changes, using GeneXus X U# 4, if you try to open an object generated by Patterns from GeneXus, and the dll is not found, the .dkt with the same name is used for the search (and vice versa).
The files needed to change the dkt into dll are the dlls located in the SDKBase\Patterns\Tasks directory, under the SDK installation.

You can also find the example test.proj file; the idea is to build a msbuild project of the following type:

...with as many calls to GenexusCompileTemplate as necessary.
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