

Installation and maintenance of GeneXus work terminals

When working with multi-users and you want to execute GeneXus from a terminal, it is necessary to update several system files (dll's, ocx's, etcetera of the \Windows\System directory or similar) in that computer.

When working with multi-users and you want to execute GeneXus from a terminal, it is necessary to update several system files (dll's, ocx's, etcetera of the \Windows\System directory or similar) in that computer. To do that, one must execute Nodo’s Setup or Nsetup (Setup.exe that is in the \Nsetup directory under GeneXus’ installation directory in the Server).

When the Development Environment or a generator are modified, a patch with the modifications that can affect or not affect the system files is distributed. If the system files are also altered, an Nsetup patch with the corresponding changes is also distributed.

There are two alternatives for updating the system files in the work terminals:

1- The first one is to download the Nsetup patch, install it (this updates the contents of the Nsetup directory), and execute the Nsetup in each terminal. Keep in mind, it is necessary to apply the development environment or generator patch in the server.
It is easy, and convenient, to apply updates when adding a new work terminal. The disadvantage to this method is the size of the Nsetup patch to be downloaded.

2- The second alternative is to apply the patch of the development environment or generator in each terminal and name GeneXus installation directory in the server as the target directory. When performing that, the files of the Dev.Env./Generator are updated in the server, as well as the system files in the terminal.
This method is suitable for updating a work terminal, because it is not necessary to download the whole Nsetup new patch for just a few system files that are to be  updated. To do that, execute the patch of the development environment or generator that include those files to be updated. 

How do we know what is installed in a work terminal?

When installing Nsetup patch (method 1) a file is recorded in the system directory (\Windows\System or similar) with the name GxwNSetup.00X, being X Nsetup Patch’s number. When patches of the development environment or generators that update system files are installed (method 2) a file with the name Gxw61YYN.00X is recorded in the system directory, being YY the generator (VB, VF, etc) and X the generator patch’s number.

Note: The patch numbers for the development environment or generator and Nsetup may not coincide, even if the same files are updated.