

"It Can't Be Controlled if it Can't Be Measured"

GBGL, a Celta Consulting Balance Scorecard tool, was launched in the XIII GeneXus International Meeting, and since then, it has expanded to other countries.

The Uruguayan company has already finalized agreements to distribute GBGL in Mexico -with Digital Touch-, and in Brazil with NewTech. It has also integrated its product to MSB Argentina's MAP tool and GACI's ERP. Meanwhile, the Brazilian company ISO Enterprise is getting ready to integrate GBGL to its own CRM.

Strategic planning is becoming increasingly important in Latin America, and companies are beginning to include these concepts to manage their operations.

The main idea of the Balance Scorecard tool -or control board- is that it can't be controlled if it can't be measured. Specifically, "a control board is a methodology of strategic management which allows measuring whether the objectives and goals of an organization have been achieved or presented deviations. Therefore, it makes it possible to take corrective measures in time," says César Ganduglia, one of Celta Consulting partners.

To make the strategic management control, GBGL incorporates measurement indicators of the organization performance results with financial and non-financial indicators. That is, the control board integrates all the indicators of an organization, coming from different areas: financial, commercial and human resources management and from the organization processes.

"We have a theoretical basis but we develop GBGL dynamically, so the indicators and the areas to be controlled are defined by the end user," explains Aníbal Gonda, partner of CeltaConsulting. The product has been developed with GeneXus 7.5 and generated in C/SQL for Web.

GBGL has been installed, for example, in some subsidiaries of RedPagos (network of payment offices). It keeps track of the franchises' movements to control if the services fees achieve the goals set by the Board of Directors. The product allows a general screening of the company operation in just one screen and uses color signs to indicate the status of the controlled areas.

Gonda emphasized his surprise when he confirmed how easy it is to integrate products with GeneXus through GXPortal. "The integration with MAP took two phone calls and 20 minutes of work, thanks to the use of GXPortal as front end," he pointed out. The integration involves just writing a URL leading to the product; there are no new executables or recompiling. There may be different databases, located in different servers, with different languages, coexisting in GXPortal and offering the same look&feel to the user. We had not realized up to now the power GXPortal offered as an application integrator," stated Gonda.

CeltaConsulting plans to make new international agreements in 2004, in addition to continue developing the local market.





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