

New GXportlets

GXportal Version 4.2 includes GXportlets that enable configuring the log-out option and the site's welcome message as well as including Flash video and publishing the number of visits.

A GXportlet is a component that can be added to a Web page, offering a specific feature, whose design and behavior can be customized by the user. The new GXportlets integrated in GXportal 4.2 are:

It allows setting up the log out option independently of the login GXportlet.

Welcome message
Used to display a welcome message when the user logs into the portal. This GXportlet is independent of the login GXportlet.

Number of visits to the portal
Publishing the number of visits received by the Web site is now possible.

Flash video
The option of including Flash video in the portal is added to the GXportlet used for image publishing.


Product Catalogue in GXportal 4.2
Changes in GXportal 4.2 Security Layout
How Do Users Navigate Your Portal?
GXportal 4.2: Scrollbars and Marquee by Sector
Porto Seguros Seguros: Security and Integration
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