

New Mechanism for Accessing Technical Support in Uruguay

The online customer service system, which is used to provide GeneXus Support Services in other countries, has been launched in Uruguay.

The new access mechanism to GeneXus Support Services, known as SAC Issue Tracking, has been put to work for clients in Uruguay. The e-mail contacts used for providing support so far have been changed and they will only be used during this month (September).

What is the SAC Issue Tracking?
The SAC Issue Tracking substantially improves service because it allows clients to keep a record of all their queries and know their status at all times. This is performed through a web page from the GeneXus Technical Site. The SAC Issue Tracking enables query input through the web as well as ongoing contact with technicians from Support, who are in charge of those queries.

How can I access SAC Issue Tracking?
Only client companies that are registered for SAC Issue Tracking will be able to use it. In order to do so, it is necessary to:

1- Have users defined at the GeneXus Technical Site: http://www.gxtechnical.com/registro  

2- Select at least one of those users so that ARTech will appoint it as "Contact Manager". This user will be in charge of managing the accounts of the company's contacts, adding and eliminating web users who are supposed to access the Technical Support Service.

3- Send an e-mail to info@gxtechnical.com with the following information:

-Company name

-Name of the person(s) who will be appointed as the company's Contact Manager.

-Web User, from the person that will be the company's Contact Manager.

From this moment on, the contacts of each company will be included as valid contacts and they will be able to enter their incidents.

How is the SAC Issue Tracking used?

Access through web page:

You have to register at http://www.gxtechnical.com/tracking using your web user; select the product and click on the "New Incident" option. There will be an assistant that will guide you in entering the query and will allow you to -in three pages- include the information required for the Support team to process it.

Should the New Incident option not appear, contact your Contact Manager.

Mail access:

The e-mail addresses to which you are supposed to send your queries have been changed as follows:

Modeling, Protection, AS/400 Generators, DataView Generator Knowledge Manager gx@gxtechnical.com  

Business Intelligence gxplorer@gxtechnical.com  

Visual Basic Generator, Setup Wizard vb@gxtechnical.com  

Visual FoxPro Generator vfp@gxtechnical.com  

C/SQL Generator csql@gxtechnical.com  

Java Generator java@gxtechnical.com  

.NET Generator net@gxtechnical.com  

GXpublic gxpublic@gxtechnical.com

General Queries support@gxtechnical.com  

More information at:

GeneXus Worldwide Support Services