

SIEM recommended by World Bank

The World Bank, through the Consulting Group to Assist the Poorest, has given recognition to the specialized micro-loans system (SIEM) developed with GeneXus by SoftCorporación judging it to be one of the three best systems in the world.

SoftCorporación (www.softcorporacion.com) is a Guatemalan company with more than 11 years of experience devoted to the development of systems for the banking and financial sector. It has more than 200 clients –some of them are Katalysis, Fundación Covelo and World Relief Honduras- and facilities and contracts to implement the SIEM System in North America, Central America, South America, Africa, Eastern Europe and Asia.

SIEM is an integrated system made up of several modules specialized in offering solutions to certain administrative and operational areas. It was specifically designed –mainly using GeneXus - for financial service institutions in the micro-financial area. It has evolved from the GeneXus DOS versions to the desktop and Client Server Windows version.  In addition to that, it includes a GeneXus -based Data Warehouse, a IVR (Interactive Voice Response System) type component for automatic charging, several components running on Palm Pilots to automate the tasks of loan promoters and a component to query a credit risk management center via internet.

The system fulfills all the fund accounting formalities and concepts and provides the tools needed to implement different loan types –e.g. personal loans, mutual loans, community bank loans and loans to small and medium-size businesses.

The CGAP (www.cgap.com) recommends SIEM and offers information about the system and Softcorporación in the Web page (http://www.cgap.org/html/mfis_mis_comparisonhome.html)

Contact: mmorales@softcorporacion.com

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