
Arroba de oro 2006

Site made with GXportal wins Golden Arroba

The official RBD site (EMI Music) was elected by the public among over 1,000 nominated sites

On the night of October 13th EMI Music was presented with the ‘Golden Arroba’ award at a gala in Los Angeles, USA for its official site of the RBD Group. The site was voted by the public among more than 1,000 nominated sites.

The site,  www.grupo-rbd.com, developed and monitored by In-Style Digital Marketing (www.instyledm.com) for EMI-Televisa Music (www.emitelevisa.com),  won the award in the category Best Online Voting, and it is easy to see why: the site has 2 million single visits a month according to Richard Bull, the company’s vice-president of Marketing.

"The interesting thing about this site is that it was started by a fan; we just made it grow", said Bull. Today the site welcomes users with a video greeting of one of the group members and offers numerous multimedia options.

“Golden Arroba” seeks to reward the websites that best contribute to the development of the internet industry in Latin America.

EMI Music Latin America chose GXportal for the development of the portals and sites of its artists, and In-Style for their design, maintenance and hosting.

Arroba awards www.arrobadeoro.com
In_Style www.instyledm.com
2006 Arroba Awards in Univision http://www.univision.com/content/content.jhtml?cid=988225

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