

Success Stories 2015! The first success stories come from the GeneXus Community in Argentina and Mexico: Chopo Mobile, Multillantas Nieto, Unifarma and Valkimia YPF

They include the automation and remote monitoring of an oil waste facility, mobile solutions for the healthcare and automotive sectors, and an ERP system for a pharmacy chain. Anything can be done with GeneXus.
Chopo Mobile: successful Mexican app for medical test
This application, with over 32,000 downloads, enables queries in medical records relative to lab results as of 2010, among other functionalities for physicians and patients.:: http://www.genexus.com/success-stories/chopo-mobile?en
Multillantas Nieto increased productivity by 50% with smart devices and GeneXus
By developing and implementing an application to solve its business process, the tire company Multillantas Nieto managed to keep track of its services and customers at low cost and with great efficiency.::http://www.genexus.com/success-stories/multillantas-nieto?en
Renewed leading pharmaceutical wholesaler in Argentina goes automatic
By adding K2B to the cutting-edge technology equipment of UniFarma, the company continues to grow and extend the number of products and services offered to the public, while it has become leader in its sector, with the latest technology available.:: http://www.genexus.com/success-stories/unifarma?en


Fully Automated Waste Facility
Yacimiento Barrancas, YPF's oil waste facility located in Mendoza, operates with no staff since July 2014.

Success Stories
Aeropuerto Margarita
JAVA Generator and Honda, a Successful Alliance
Nous Wizard widens the Workflow concept
UTU improved it’s management with a system in GeneXus
Xerox Uruguay S.A. improves it’s management with GeneXus
Conaprole in charts
HTS Wizard Generator will be used in Mexico
‘The secret was ARTech’s group’.
Credit cards with GeneXus
GXplorer: Before and after with ANCAP
GeneXus in St. Louis, with Sergio Prusky