

Technologies applied to business.

WorkFlow and Data Warehouse were the strongest topics at the ‘Technologies applied to Business’ meeting organized by ACP Ingeniería en Sistemas, with the support of HST S.A. (GeneXus Argentina) in Mendoza on May 30th.
The meeting schedule included the following topics: What is GeneXus? A general vision, introduction to the technologies: Internet, JAVA, and Data Warehousing, WorkFlow and a practical demonstration of new technologies: Internet, JAVA, Data Warehousing, WorkFlow.

ACP introduced an application that used all the technologies explained at the early part of the meeting.  The application consists of students’ enrollment to a University through two channels: the Internet and at the University itself. ”When we saw the different technologies working together, we could appreciate the real power of the solution as a whole, not of it’s elements on their own.”, said Georgina Allub of ACP.

The application started when students requested enrolling via the Internet at the University’s site, which was developed by ACP with the new Web Panels editor in Visual Basic. The internal management of that site was handled through a WorkFlow tool; from the moment when the requirements are received by University staff, through the entire life cycle when the student is accepted or rejected.  At such time, the potential student is informed of the decision via email. 

If the enrollment is carried out at the University, the OLTP application, assembled in VFP C/S with SQL Server, allows for giving the student an enrollment/rejection receipt.

Finally, the GXplorer features were demonstrated, analyzing the sales per career, the most used means of access for enrollment (University or Internet), the subjects with the highest enrollment.  Utilizing these examples and information it was clear that making decisions regarding enrollment information was a lot easier.

The 70 attendants could appreciate the fact that all the technology on display was implemented and supported by ACP, which is a local enterprise. ”It is fundamental for users, because they know that the knowledge  is local.  And that is not an ‘assembled’ demo, but an application that is performed with the tools and that they work.”, Georgina Allub outlined.

GeneXus releases its next version