

Today is the Deadline of the Call for Papers!

The call for papers for the XV International GeneXus Meeting, to be held in Montevideo, Uruguay from September 12 to 14, has been extended until June 30th.

This year's papers will be grouped under the following topics:

1. Strategy and Management: Business and general interest topics

2. Mobility: Presentations related with mobile platforms

3. Integration: System integration, web services and XML

4. Development of applications for the 21st Century: Development of Windows and Web applications and solutions

5. Best practices for project management. Development methodologies and best project management practices when developing with GeneXus

6. Workflow: Application and solution development with workflow (GXflow)

7. BI: Business Intelligence Solutions (GXplorer)

8. Reporting: Reporting Solutions (GXquery)

9. Portal Builder: Creation of portals and application integration (front end) with GXportal.

Several presentations can be made by each company. There is no maximum number of presentations allowed nor associated cost for your company. Presentation proposals must be entered on-line at the Web site of the XV GeneXus International Meeting.

There are a few days left for presentation of proposals before the deadline on June 30th.



Register for the XV GeneXus International Meeting
Today is the Deadline of the Call for Papers!
Book Your Accommodation!