

Training Materials are Available

Materials from all distant courses given by ARTech are available at no cost through the new GeneXus Extranet and through the Download Center.

In the Training section of the new GeneXus Extranet, you will find all the training materials of the distant course offered by ARTech. At this time, the materials are available only in Spanish.

Navigating through the central Training menu (Downloads, Distant Training) until you get to the Distant Training Downloads section , you may download the materials of the following courses: GeneXus 8.0, Internet Applications Development with GeneXus 8.0; Java 2-tier Generator (GeneXus 8.0) and Workflow (GXflow 7.5).

Access to these materials is free of charge and the materials may be read and downloaded in their complete versions. If you want to consult an ARTech instructor during the course, you may register for the paid course and obtain ARTech training services.

Remember you must use your username and password to enter GeneXus Extranet: https://www.genexusnet.com

Those who are not GeneXus customers yet, can also access the course materials from the Download Center (logging in with their GXtechnical username and password) Please, go to the Download Center and choose the Distance Courses option of the menu.


For more information refer to: training@genexus.com  


Launching of GeneXus Extranet for customers
Basic GeneXus Course in January 2006
2006 NewTech Courses Schedule
GeneXus 9.0 Update Course in Sao Paulo
ARTech Released Upgrade to GeneXus 9.0 Distance Course