

Training news

Brazil, Colombia, and Chile have new GeneXus Instructors and Senior Analysts certified by ARTech. Certification as a GeneXus Instructor, which is a requirement for teaching GeneXus courses, will be extended to each one of the technologies.

ARTech awarded the GeneXus certification to Denis Nascimento from Brazil; Rolando Barajas Moreno, from Colombia; and Cristian Lira from Chile, during the week of the XIII GeneXus International Meeting.
The certification seeks to assess the experience in using GeneXus as well as the appropriate use of the tool so that GeneXus distributors and sub-distributors can have trained staff for instructing clients, providing support, consulting, etc.
Certification as a GeneXus Instructor is a requirement for teaching GeneXus courses, and as of next year, the GeneXus Instructor certification per technology will also be required (GXFlow, Data Warehouse, Internet, etc.).
We would like to highlight that for the first time this year, by simply attending the VIII GXAlliance Technical Meeting -from April 3 to April 5- participants who had received a certification in previous versions, automatically received an update to the latest version of each technology.

"The reason why we demand that our distributors and sub-distributors receive certification as GeneXus Instructors for each technology is that we wish to maintain the highest possible quality-level of GeneXus instruction throughout the world," said Alejandra Pereiro, ARTech's Training Manager.
She added that clients will have the possibility of taking GeneXus courses with ARTech-certified GeneXus Instructors, as well as distance courses offered by the company.

ARTech's certified technicians
Distance training

New GeneXus Senior Analysts in Argentina
GeneXus 8.0 Update Course in Colombia