

Upcoming Courses at ARTech

In February and March 2004, there will be update courses (Business Intelligence and Workflow) to GeneXus 8.0 version for those already working with GeneXus.

GeneXus Course (version 8.0)
This six-week, attendance-based course on GeneXus 8.0 starts Monday, February 2nd , 2004.
Knowledge of databases ? preferably having approved the subject as part of the Engineering or Computer Analyst university studies- is a prerequisite to enroll, as well as some basic programming knowledge.

Upgrade to GeneXus 8.0 Course
This course will take place during the week starting on Monday, February 9th, 2004.
The objective is to train in the use of the latest released version, GeneXus 8.0, which incorporates a number of features resulting in an increased power for applications development for the Internet and other environments.

Business Intelligence Course
This course will take place during the week starting on Monday, February 16th, 2004.
It will show the different methodologies, techniques and technologies required to achieve the fast and simple construction of a BI component that substitutes most of our systems reports.

WorkFlow Course
This course will take place during the week starting on Monday, March 8th, 2004.
The objective of this course is to teach participants about the most important concepts of the Workflow theory, the components of the solution, the technology associated to each component, and how this technology is integrated into the development of systems with GeneXus.


More information:

Questions: training@genexus.com  


Uruguay: Course on GeneXus Version 8.0