

Videos from the XII GeneXus Meeting in Internet

The video files for conferences from the XII GeneXus International Meeting that gathered 2000 people in Montevideo are available at ARTechs web and ready to be downloaded or seen on line.

At http://www.genexus.com/evento2001 option "download material" or directly at http://www.gxtechnical.com/cgi-bin/hevprogram.exe?2,6,107,10 there are videos available with lectures from the XII Meeting.

You just have to select a conference and click on the video option.

There is also additional material related to the lectures available in Internet (PowerPoint presentations, etc ).


XII GeneXus International Meeting
Microsoft launched VisualStudio.NET at the GeneXus Meeting
Some important reasons for change
The future, 20 years after the PC
Acknowledgements 2001
GeneXus Users Meeting in Chile
II GeneXus Users Meeting in Peru
II GeneXus Users Meeting in Peru.
XIII GeneXus International Meeting
Announcements made during the VII GeneXus Alliance Meeting
Support through the Web on .NET
Material from the XIV GeneXus International Meeting