
Web 2.0

Web 2.0 is opened to the world

The fourth edition of Web 2.0 Summit, held in San Francisco, United States, was focused on online social networks, with important statements by MySpace and Facebook CEOs.
GXportal's News
ASIS, Inc. publishes its New Website Developed with GXportal
ABOVE Certification for GeneXus 9.0 and GXportal
EMI TV and GXportal operate on large scale
GXportal Course in ARTech Mexico
GeneXus News in GXportal
Applications generated with GeneXus 9.0 and GXportal ABOVE Tested
Site made with GXportal wins Golden Arroba
A tool that set tongues wagging
GXportal Course
GXportal in the Top Ten
GXportal 4.3 preview
GXportal 4.3 preview
GXportal 4.3 preview
GXportal 4.3 is now available