

What Do People Say About The Upcoming GeneXus Version?

Enrique Almeida, Director of Concepto and an active member in the GeneXus 8.0 beta test process, highlights the main advantages of this version.

1. IDE (Integrated Development Environment) improved
There are many improvements: ranging from aesthetics to novel ways of doing things that used to take longer to be accomplished.

2. Visible improvements for web service use and publication
The use of web services has been simplified so much that one forgets that the application is being run in a piece of equipment located on the other side of the world.

3. High performance in generated programs
In Data Warehouse load programs, performance increased by 70%. This has been checked in SQLServer and also with an application that uses many cursors, updating many tables.

4. .NET WIN generation
We need to profit from the ability to generate fully-.NET applications, because this means generating applications in one of the platforms that (together with Java) will prevail in the market. It also opens the doors, for those of us who have Knowledge Bases built with GeneXus, to migrate them into this new platform, with less technical effort than the one required for re-writing them.

Ricardo Coulthurst: The Best GeneXus 8.0 Betatester
What People Say About the Upcoming GeneXus 8.0 Version
What Do People Say About GeneXus 8.0?
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