
XX encuentro GeneXus 90

XXGX:: GeneXus from version 1.0 :: The first members of the Community share their thoughts :: Fernando Lazcano

Fernando Lazcano, currently CPGSoft's director, was the first person in Artech's history to sell GeneXus to a customer.
I discovered the tool before it was released, when it still was an emerging technology; it was a promise and entailed a new paradigm, and in that sense, by being a disruptive technology, it also generated certain resistance among developers who came from another culture. I remember Breogán's excitement when he explained his perception of databases; his vision was that they would be relational.
:: A little known story: the first GeneXus implementation
During the 80s, I ran a company dedicated to selling IBM software and hardware, networks, and so on. One of my customers, Barbieri & Leggire, a general store that served the interior of Uruguay, carried a wide range of goods and was growing exponentially. The context was that they had a Clipper programmer (Ramón Jacques) and he frequently got in touch with me when they needed more servers. The store expanded so much that, at a certain point, when he visited me to request new servers for "Purchases” I had the feeling that it was the right moment to give GeneXus a chance, so I suggested him to centralize all databases. Up to then, he had a server for each database (accounting, cars, payroll, etc.). As his technology solutions provider, I understood that this management based on thousands of items and dozens of suppliers had to be consolidated into a single database and other terminals. I suggested undertaking a reengineering project with GeneXus. Give or take a few words, our conversation went like this:
"How much does it cost?" -he asked me.
"Mmm... about 50 thousand dollars."
"Whoa! It's like buying ten servers!"
"Yes, you're right. But the annual maintenance cost will be lower and you will immediately realize how your data is optimized."
"And how is it programmed? I don't know anything about it and it's very expensive. I'm not sure..."
"Tell me something, how much do you pay for a twin-axle Mercedes Benz truck, when you purchase one to distribute your products across the country?"
"We're speaking of a 45 or 50 thousand dollar investment."
"And, how long do you take to make this decision? It's an essential tool; if you don't have one you lose money so I guess you just pick up the phone and order one right away. Am I right?"
"(...) Sometimes it happens that way."
"And, what's more important: the truck or this system, which I guarantee will be the technology solution that you need for your company?"
"Well, I trust you, but... are you sure?"
"I give you my word. As far as IBM is concerned, I completely trust them and regarding Artech, I guarantee you that its owners will provide you with full support to make the integration."
In May 1989, we were making the first GeneXus implementation! Ramón Jacques implemented the system with the help of Nicolás Jodal, J.J. Mastropietro, Gustavo Proto and Breogán Gonda.
:: From the I to the XX GeneXus Meeting
The first Meeting was a positive experience; it generated trust and brought unity to an emerging Community. To me, it was an important milestone, a demonstration of professional and business ethics, as well as of respect for the customer. Then, in each ensuing Meeting, the GeneXus flame grew stronger.
The GeneXus flame also shines brighter in me because I feel alive –technology-wise– thanks to GeneXus and, above all, I feel that I’ve been part of this journey since the beginning, when I joined other people to generate a network of channels to expand the product.
In the GeneXus Community I find a network of friends and, in terms of technology, this community is highly proactive in relation to new technologies. For this reason, during the upcoming XX Meeting I wouldn’t be surprised to see and, what’s more, I’d really like the program to include, tracks about GeneXus and mobile devices. More specifically, we're extremely interested on .NET platforms for Smart Phones.

Fernando Lazcano - II Encuentro GeneXus (spanish)
1st GeneXus Meeting :: The story of the first GeneXus Meeting as told by its main figures
GeneXus from version 1.0 :: The first members of the Community share their thoughts
II to IV GeneXus Meetings :: Story of the Meetings :: Years 1991, 1992 and 1993
XXGX :: GeneXus from version 1.0 :: The first users of the Community share their thoughts :: Gerardo Barrufa
V - VIII GeneXus Meetings :: The Meetings through time :: Years 1994, 1995, 1996 and 1997
From 1.0 :: Fernando Álvarez, Head of the Technology Department at República AFAP, tells us about the times before GeneXus and what its arrival implied
From 1.0 :: Cybernet :: “We were the first to develop GeneXus on PC platform”
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From version 1.0: Gastón Verdier
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