This year, to make the most of your experience at the GX25, we have made available seminars related to GeneXus. These supplementary activities require participants to register. We look forward to having you there!

Verifying the quality and performance of applications developed with GeneXus.

The idea behind this workshop is to provide a close-up on testing projects, with the vision of optimizing the team’s timing in keeping up with the development process of GeneXus applications. It is meant for achieving higher quality levels and a broader testing coverage. With such objectives in mind, a risk-based testing strategy will be proposed towards adding value to the software, while focusing on the company’s business.

There will be a demo and practical application of the most popular tools in the open source world used in performance tests and system monitoring. Additionally, a guide of best practices will be presented, including optimization of GeneXus applications to obtain their greatest potential in production.   

Quality and testing
Risk-based testing
Test types according to quality features of software product pursuant to SQuaRE ISO 25.000
Test types according to development process
Testing and incident management tools
Testing metrics management
Performance tests
GeneXus systems Monitoring and Optimizations  

More info
Duration: 4 hours
Date: Thursday October 1st, from 2PM to 6PM
Location: Radisson 
Instructor​s​: Federico Toledo and Giulliana Scuoteguazza
Certificate awarded: Quality bases of GeneXus applications ​
Price: U$S 122 (tax included) / U$S 110 (tax included) Solution Partners 


Seminar on Security in GeneXus Applications

This seminar is meant to provide training to individuals who develop solutions with GeneXus and make them aware of the significance of security issues and of techniques for detecting, validating and mitigating the potential risks existing in applications.

The seminar is mainly oriented at those who apply GeneXus in their activity, including analysts, developers and testers, as well as project managers willing to learn about the main security risks that exist at present. 

The reference and guide to be used is the latest publication of the Top 10 OWASP ranking, which includes the most common risks of applications today.
There will be no practice activities during this seminar, which will be imparted in Spanish language.

Download content of the seminar

More info
Duration: 9 hours
Date: Thursday, October 1st, from 9AM to 6PM
Location: To be confirmed
Instructors: Gerardo Canedo (Eng.), and Pablo Alzuri (Eng.)
Certificate awarded: Certificate of attendance issued by GeneXus Consulting
Price: US$ 305 (tax included) / US$ 270 (ta included) for members of GX Alliance, K2B Tools users and groups of 2 or more participants.
Lunch is included in the price.



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