Certifications are intended for providing the users of GeneXus with an acknowledgment of their skills in relation to the GX tool.
All certifications to take place during the upcoming 27th GeneXus Meeting will be performed on computers, with multiple choice and true/false questions. They are all self-correction tests, allowing candidates to have their results upon concluding the exam.
Examinations held during the Meeting applyonly to candidates from abroad, not from Uruguay. The exams offered are the following:
GeneXus Analyst
GeneXus Senior Analyst
GeneXus Instructor
New! GeneXus Developer for Smart Devices
GeneXus BPM Suite Analyst
GeneXus BPM Suite Instructor
GXtest Analyst
GXportal Designer
The only certification provided through oral exam is the one corresponding to Instructors, that is: “GeneXus Instructor”, and “GeneXus BPM Suite Instructor”. These certifications include an evaluation of the teaching profile of candidates.
These exams have limited capacity and a fee applies. Because the examination instance is part of the GeneXus Meeting, prices are subject to a special 50% discount.
Exam Dates
• Exams on computers will take place on Monday October 2nd and Tuesday October 3rdi.
• "GeneXus Instructor" and "GXflow Instructor" oral exams will take place from Monday October 2nd to Thursday October 5th.
The time and place defined for each candidate will be informed on September 25th.
Fees and Payment Method
To obtain information on the fee applicable to each Certification and payment methods, please send an e-mail message to training@genexus.com.
Deadline for payments: 25 September
Cases of non-attendance or cancellations made after this date will not qualify for reimbursements.