
Access to SQL Server Using ADO.NET

The .NET Generator incorporates ADO.NET as one of the methods to access the database, which enables the optimization of the access speed. Significant improvements have been verified in the performance of the applications generated by GeneXus.

Upgrade #1 of the GeneXus .NET Generator incorporates ADO.NET as one of the methods to access the database. Using a way to access the native database of the .NET Framework enables the optimization of the access speed. The .NET Generator incorporates ADO.NET as one of the ways to access the database, which enables the optimization of the access speed. Significant improvements have been verified in the performance of the applications generated by GeneXus.

How is it implemented? The property Access Method was added to the model creation wizard of the .NET Generator with the ADO.NET and ODBC values. The ADO.NET value is now available in the Upgrade #2 of the .NET generator as the official version for SQL Server. The same access method, but in Beta version, is available in the Upgrade #1 for the DBMS: Oracle, DB2 UDB for iSeries and DB2 Universal Database.

The new access method offers several advantages for the .NET Generator users:

- Generating Windows applications in multiple layers (Interface Win)

- Using a query cache to the database

- Monitoring the access to applications data

- Better performance- Using 100% .NET managed code to access the DBMS

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