Advances in the Internet of Things

During the year 2015, approximately 10 billion devices were connected to the Internet. Meanwhile, estimates for 2020 indicate that, of the 34 billion expected devices, 24 billion will account for the IoT ecosystem.
The Internet of Things, considered the new industrial revolution, is aimed at dramatically changing the global economy -where technology moves along with the corporate world and governments- and making things easier and more comfortable for everyone. And all this thanks to interconnections and to an enhanced quality of life. 

During the year 2015, approximately 10 billion devices were connected to the Internet. Meanwhile, estimates for 2020 indicate that of the 34 billion expected devices, 24 billion will account for the IoT, and only 10 billion of them will be traditional devices (such as smart phones, tablets, smartwatches and the like). This was informed in the Business Insider’s report titled: ”How the 'Internet of Things' will affect the world.”

Both large-scale companies and SMEs are in line to benefit from the IoT to the extent that this will be one of the main issues that companies will be working on this year. By way of example, during the recent CES  (Consumer Technology Association) 2016 event organized in Las Vegas (USA) the numerous  kinds of devices presented were all related to the IoT, including cars and motorcycles, audio systems, television sets and refrigerators that manage a home, smart closets and locks, as well as the pioneering wearables.

The task lying ahead for corporations will be to upgrade their current technology, making it evolve, and adjusting it to the best software and programs that will enable them to be part of the process. One of the main challenges expected for this year is corporate competitiveness in adapting to the novel market being formed through the IoT.
For the upcoming five-year period, the expected investments in solutions for the IoT around the world would amount to six trillion dollars, most of which would relate to the development of applications, device hardware, system integration, data storage, security and connectivity. According to the Business Insider’s report, the main users adopting such technology will be companies, followed by governments and individual consumers.
For this area, companies will be considering three ways of improving their business, which include reduction of operational costs, increased productivity, and expanding to new markets or the development of new product offerings.

In this sense, GeneXus’ Technology Evangelist Anibal Gonda has expressed that “the IoT is part of our current digital era, because it is already part of screens, mobile telephones, computer systems, technology services, tablets, gadgets and other articles that will become trendy this year such as drones, autonomous vehicles, virtual reality and wearables. In addition to other systems, these will attempt to become part of the growing market by offering, renewing and creating their products and services. At GeneXus we're already working on making the development of this new technology an easier task.
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