
Awards for eight companies using GeneXus.NET applications

Microsoft and ARTech awarded eight Uruguayan companies participating in the Early Adoption Program of technologies held in Uruguay. Two months prior to the release of VisualStudio.NET, these companies had already started production of .NET applications.

BCN, Concepto, Consultoría de Sistemas, DeLarrobla&Asociados, Enter Computación, GXVision, Montevideo COMM, and Zen Sistemas were the eight companies receiving this recognition.

"I would like to congratulate all of you for being some of the first companies, worldwide, to implement the .NET technology in their solutions.", said Ambrose Ramsahai, General Manager at Microsoft
Uruguay. The doors are open for you in case you are interested in offering your solutions in the Caribbean market. I am at your service. You can count on my support and effort in order to offer your solutions in these markets., added Ramsahai, who has been promoted as General Manager of Microsoft Caribbean.

"The GeneXus community is currently spearheading what Microsoft refers to as the applications business. This represents an opportunity for you in
Uruguay and in other places of Latin America. ARTech is trying to sign agreements with Microsoft subsidiaries mainly in Latin America in order to repeat this experience that is taking shape nowadays in Central America", said Jodal.

"This is an important moment for us, and we have worked hard for it. We were selected less than a year ago by Microsoft to work on the world early adoption program of technologies. We always thought it would be a good idea to spread it throughout the world, but quality starts at home. Now we are working on expanding this experience to the more than 900 software houses making developments with GeneXus. But this is not the end. There will be thousands of innovations, thousands of new things. Let us follow this example on this favorable experience, and prepare to go deeper into the innovations to come.", said Breogán Gonda, ARTech's President.

On the other hand, "we are trying to coordinate the release of version GeneXus 7.5 with the C# generator, and Visual Studio", Jodal reported. "We would like to thank all of you for participating in this new initiative, for working in state-of-the-art technologies, specially on platforms, products, and on the technological and business vision that Microsoft has as a company. We would like to thank each one of you for having studied and worked in order to have your .NET applications, and we would like to thank
ARTech for having done a good job in executing the early adoption program of technologies", said Wilson Pais, Partner Group Manager at Microsoft Uruguay.
"The main characteristic of this work is the commitment on the part of Microsoft
Uruguay and ARTech to technologically ( with programs such as this one ), and commercially support its adventures domestically and in other countries", Pais stated.

"There are very few people around the world who currently have .NET commercial applications. I dare say that the number of code lines that we have in .NET is way superior than any other community. From now on we start a new race: having applications for this platform. This is a great opportunity for software houses that use GeneXus in their developments.", Jodal stressed.

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