evolution 2

BlackBerry, another key element of the GeneXus Smart Devices generator

Computer Engineer Agustín Napoleone, from DVelop Software Solutions, shares with the Community his assessment of the Smart Devices market and introduces the new generator for BlackBerry devices.

Artech has made a huge leap ahead by identifying the opportunity to get on the Smart Devices wave, but most importantly, they have already released the beta version of this generator and are planning to release GeneXus X Evolution 2 shortly.

Estimates suggest that by 2013, in little over two years, there will be more Smart Devices than PCs in the market, and this will change the way in which people carry out their daily activities, changing even their habits. For this reason, the systems available will have to adapt to these new habits. In this context, Artech has wisely decided not to focus on answering the question of which is or will be the best device, because people will ultimately make that choice. Why choose monogamy if, in this case, we can be polygamous?

We at DVelop are lucky to have accepted the challenge of capturing this opportunity, contributing our experience with BlackBerry, a world that we have been exploring for some time and where we see a large market.

At present, BlackBerry holds 20% of the world’s market for mobile phones, but if we focus on the business segment, it leads the way with the highest sales.

The BlackBerry generator is a reality and has become one of the most important promises of GeneXus X Evolution 2, since it will have to meet the requirements of a large percentage of the Community that is already asking to work with it.

We want to invite the entire Community to start developing their applications for Smart Devices, to try the BlackBerry version released a few weeks ago and take advantage of the business opportunities that will be brought by this great improvement in technology.
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XXGX Videos can be viewed on Smart Devices and PCs, and are available for download
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