
Cars Solutions in Argentina

Chiquiar-Myszka & Asociados is getting ready to start production of the software that will handle operations of all the repair shops serving trucks from La Serenísima and Danone, in Argentina.

Concesionario Serenísima (Con-Ser), a company member of the Mastellone group responsible for logistics and milk pick-up services for Danone and La Serenísima in Argentina, has acquired the Cars Solutions repair-shop module.

Cars Solutions is software used for dealing with problems arising in the automobile sector, from a small repair shop, to a spare part shop, a car dealership or a big consessionary. The solution, which was developed with GeneXus and generated in Visual Fox Pro by Chiquiar-Myszka & Asociados, has three main modules: a module for car dealerships (for the sale of brand-new and second-hand cars), another for repair shops, and a module for spare part shops. All of these are accompanied by administrative modules (cash box, current accounts, checks, accounting).

Alejandro Myszka explained that the car sale module embraces the whole process, from the import stage, to the end client's sale phase; the module also includes Datawarehousing technology. The repair shop module handles all of the typical repair shop operations such as handling repair orders, which involves reception, checks on tasks and spare parts used, and invoicing.  Myszka added that the module also has an innovative productivity control process applicable not only to the repair shop, but also to its operators.

The installation in Argentina encompasses three repair shops and approximately 200 trucks. Honda Uruguay, Daewoo Motors, Mariño Sports, Homero de León, and Istol's importer in Uruguay are some of Chiquiar-Myszka & Asociados' customers using Cars Solutions.

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