
Chart Manager

Chart Manager is a Web application, created with GeneXus, which allows exploiting the features provided by GXChart, the online chart server presented some weeks ago. With Chart Manager you can store data series and generate charts from them.

With Chart Manager you can store data series and generate charts from them, as well as generate comparative charts from several data series.
A data series is an ordered list of points, in which each point has a name and a value. For example, on a list on the dollar quotation per date, the date is the name, and the quotation of that day is the corresponding value. 
Apart from that, it is possible to combine several series on the same chart. In this case, the points will be grouped with the same name. Continuing with the former example, we could combine the dollar and the yen quotation (values) for each date (name).
Chart Manager also allows saving the complete definition of a chart, not only the series that integrate it. This is to say all its parameters will be stored, for example size, colors, type, etc. And when you want to use it you ask Chart Manager to return the graphic image calling it by its name.
An example of its use is the following chart created from the data series of the dollar quotation.
Each user of Chart Manager can define his own data series and his own charts, as well as use data series and public charts that have already been defined, which Chart Manager provides.  The public series can be combined with other series in any user's chart.

GXChart in mobile application